Chapter 2

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Your POV

I guidied his hook away from my shirt. "It's ok foxy. It happens," you say. "Yes," Foxy says."Me old pirate hands are always a smidge quirky me lass." "Why are you out of order, Foxy," You whisper. "What lass? Speak up!" Foxy says curiously. "Foxy, why are you out of order?"

Foxy's POV

A child comes to Freddy fazbears pizza for her freind's birthday party. "Wow look at that stupid Fox! He has a hook on him," she says.She climbs up the stage to pirate cove while the show was going on. " It's not safe to be that close to foxy." A security guard says." Mom he doesn't have to tell me what to do, right," the little girl asks."She can play with the Fox if she wants to play with the Fox," the child's mother says."Mom what happened to his legs," the girl says, pointing to his missing indoskeloton legs, absent from the cloth exoskeleton."I don't want to know" the mother says, staring at her child. "Look at his weird pointy teeth, mom," she says as she pokes one of his teeth. In an instant, Foxy's jaw snaps onto the girls frontal lobe. She falls to the ground motionless. "Man this is bad this is bad," the same security guard said as the whole pizzeria was going crazy. Kids were screaming, parents were covering their child's eyes with fear that their children would be scarred for life if they saw the gruesome scene. The little girl's mother picked up her child as tears ran down her face. "I'm sorry." She says as one of the workers calls the ambulance. The ambulance takes her away as they lock up foxy in pirate cove forever.
*flashback ends*

"Scccccrrrreeeeeecccchhhhhh!" I scream as Y/N covers her ears. The awful picture comes back into my mind. Why. Why me. Why not Freddy? "Well lass, I was-I was- I was doing a show for some ladies and gents and, well, little lass, another little lassie just like you climbed up me stage and was messin' with me teeth. The little lass hit me spring lockey and me jaw came down on her face."

She stared at me horrified she then smiled and said," It was an accident. It wasn't you're fault."

Empty useless brain! Give me ideas guys! PLEASE!!! I beg you! X( *bangs head on table* EMPTY USELESS BRAIN! NO IDEAS! (All rights reserved. Me and marlenakittenlover kinda have the same A/N so don't be afraid to read two books at one time and make sure to check out her profile!)

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