Chapter 4

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Is that really Tobias or am I just dreaming? Is it the real him? There's many people in this city that looks like him probably. Maybe it's him. He asked my name. So he must've forgotten or he it's not him. No he can't forget, it has only been two years, he helped me with Aiden and how to control him. I shook my head and shuffled my feet nervously while waiting.
"Why did you shake your head Jodie?"
"I don't know b-"
"I changed it to Tris Jodie." I looked at her wide eyes, I am surprised she changed it I have to say it's better than Beatrice it fits her once she starts fighting. Once everyone came down, Four starts introducing himself and explains the stages of training then splits up the dauntless born and dauntless transfer. I couldn't focus on what he was saying I am still wondering why he forgot me and isn't he suppose to be in Amity? The kind and happy people. I wouldn't describe Tobias as happy and peaceful. Marcus must've lied. Four leads us somewhere which I have no idea because I wasn't paying attention. Blue lights were reflecting off the stone walls and was dark with some barrels and boxes pushed next to the walls. I look behind me to see most dauntless transfer scared. I was somewhat scared too but not as much as people finding out that I'm divergent.
"This is the pit the main center of life." Four says. I look down the pit to see kids running around and adults chatting real loud and laughing. Then Four leads us to a bright area where there was water splashing onto the stones. Must be a river. I went to a stained metal bridge. I stomp on it a little to make sure it was stiff. Christina looked at me curiously and I just shrug. "this is the chasm. One jumped you die." four says. I won't die though I'll have to discover what's down there sometime. Aiden can lead me down the water way I guess. "Let's go." Four mumbled. He leads us to a room with beds. "This is where you'll sleep for the next few weeks." I look around to see it as a uncomfortable place for me to sleep in."
"Girls or boys?" A candor boy asks.
"Both." Says four. Of course too poor to have separate rooms or to just torture us. "Get changed. Four says. I chose a bed next to Tris and took some clothes out from under the dauntless bed. I changed and went to stove full of flames and we have to put our clothes in there.
I went in the lunch room to find a place to sit.
"Shall we sit there?" Christina asks. I nod and we went to sit. I sat next to tris and Christina and there was a plate of food in front of me. I see beef, fries, salad, and apples. I took the fries and apples. I tried to find the ketchup for the fries but it was next to Four. I took a bite out of my fries, it was really good, I ate more. And turned around to see four looking at me. I shrug and ate my salad. I was midway finishing my salad and Four is pulling me out the door. Four brung me to a dark hallway with only a small blue lantern that hung on the stone walls.
"What?" I hiss.
"As a brother I need to protect you, you know." It was my brother Tobias after all.
"Well Tobias instead of you forcefully dragging me out of the cafeteria why not just say to me we need to talk?"
"Sorry, but how's Aiden and you?" I look around to see if anyone's listening.
"Good he's creating some good abilities, after you left he at least know how to heal people. You know he's from the infra world." Tobias nods and looks at me.
"Only Nathan Dawkins an Erudite researcher knows about this. He has known that you have-"
"Wait Tobias is he gonna tell Jeanine if he does then I'm in danger."
"No he hasn't he known your mother ever since she was a child and they are good friends."
"Tobias I'm already in danger." He nods and looks at me seriously.
"Don't trust anyone." I nodded at him nervously. "There's no reason to be nervous I'll protect you anyways you should get some sleep you'll need some for tomorrow." Tobias said quietly. He walks me back to the dorm and I went to sleep.

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