Chapter 13

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Once I close my eyes I can feel that I opened my eyes. Now I'm in Aiden's point of view. Aiden moves towards katheleen and she was holding the card with a star. I pat the card.
"Good jodie" says Nathan. Then katheleen was holding a wave card. it looks like bacon strips. "Alright now Jodie you see the blocks right besides the card?" I nodded. "well Jodie you need to make the blocks fall." I nodded and Aiden made the blocks collapse. I get out of Aidens vision and looked around.
"Good job Jodie I'm proud of you." I smiled and went out of the room and into my new dim bedroom.
Am I going to be used here in Erudite? Even though I have Aiden I shouldn't be used. Nathan walks in with blue on he smiles and I smile back at him.
"Well well you did a great job I want you to meet Jeanine." Nathan says. Jeanine walks in.
"So this is Jodie?" I nodded. she looked delightfully serious with blond hair and blue eyes. She somewhat looks like Eric. "aren't you a dauntless transfer. perfect choice, if you need me Nathan and I would be in this office." she smiles. I nodded again still wondering if they'll use me as a weapon.
"Hey Jeanine you look like Eric." I mentioned abruptly.
"Well I'm his mother. also I know that you have an entity and your divergent since of course you have an entity." I said nothing. Still surprised at what she said. I'm dating a leader that mother is a leader of Erudite. "don't worry Jodie we won't kill you, your more as a important human that'll help us with-"
"So I'm being used as?" I asked
"No no Jodie your getting it wrong, were studying you and your gonna love a perfect life you'll have your own life in your own faction."
"So am I a lab rat?"
"Jodie no we're gonna help you with Aiden. Plus I believe it's time sweetie. to tell people out there." I shook my head, if they know they'll treat me like shit. "Well then Jodie whatever's most comfortable to you." Jeanine left and I laid back in bed.
"Nathan will I be able to train in dauntless?"
"Yes but you'll not be on the score board plus you'll be trained a bit intensively." I nodded at the statement and Nathan left Evelyn was right besides me and she holds my hand.
"Whatever happens I will still love you." I smiled back at her and she left.
"Aiden protect me." I whispered. From that thought I fell asleep.

Remember some THINGS and PEOPLE and FAMILY are different in this story be aware!

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