Chapter 5

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The sound of metal that woke me up stings my ears.
"5 minutes meet me at the pit." Eric says. I laid back down again tiredly. Christina punches my arm hardly.
"Wake up get ready." I rolled my eyes and head to the pit. The pit was full of people even when it's early in the morning. I look around to see some people still heading towards the pit and Four looks at us seriously. Hu many girls would think he's an attractive man.
"Today we're going to start dauntless training, first stage of training is physical, second is emotional, and third is mental." Four annouces.
"For the first stage of training whoever's rank below the red line would leave us." Eric adds.
"Do what?" A dauntless asks.
"There's no going home to your family so you live factionless." After Eric says that there was lots of mumbling and whispering going on.
"Today we're gonna start off with guns and knives." Four then leads us over to a room with a bunch of punching bags and mats. The lights were really dim and many dauntless were running around.
"First off shoot a gun." Four leads us outside and unlocks a drawer with guns and ammo. He hands a gun to each of us while a dauntless plays with a gun. Four comes over to him and punches the gun in his gut and took it.
"Your holding a loaded gun. Act. Like. It. Peter." He then shoves the gun to Peter and instructs us how to shoot a gun. I went to a target next to tris and shoot a gun, it lands in the 3rd row. I turn to look at Tris struggling to shoot a gun. I shoot a gun once more and it lands in the middle. Bullseye! I hear Will saying something to Tris saying that she should've hit the target even by accident. I rolled my eyes at him.
"It's only her first time Will." I said under my breath.
"Well you shot the gun in the middle."
"Stop making her feel bad." I hissed. He rolled his eyes and continued shooting his gun. Someone approaches me and I turn around to see Peter right next to me.
"Nice shooting stiff." I shoot at the target once more and it landed in the middle.
"Aren't you suppose to be shooting your target instead of complementing people." I mumbled under my breath. "You also got in trouble so you should get back to shooting or get in trouble by my brother." Peter looks at me stunned.
"Well who's your brother?" I looked at him surprised that he asked.
"FOUR." I yelled. Four comes and I look at him.
"Can you please tell him to stop annoying me please. Your my brother." He turns to Peter and looks at him.
"She's my sister. Don't even, get back to work, you to Jodie." I rolled my eyes and shoot.
"fours your brother?" Tris whispered stunned. I nod and keep shooting ignoring the distraction. I was out of ammo after a few minutes. I looked at Peters shooting and he was shooting mostly in the second row and third row.
"Gonna shoot?" Peter asks.
"No I'm out of ammo." Peter rolls his eyes and keeps shooting.
"Alright put your gun down were gonna run around the dauntless comped for a while."
"How many times?" I ask without thinking what the consequences were.
"Since its your first day lets say 5 it's usually 10-15 depends on your behavior to the instructors."
"Well this is not school this is like military training actually." I say.
"Jodie same thing." Christina says. I rolled my eyes and started to run the 5 laps.
We took a little break after lunch. Surprisingly Aiden haven't bothered me since I jumped down the roof of dauntless and onto a net. I took a hamburger and began to eat it. I finished it early and decide to go to the training room to see if Aiden is still here. I look down the dim chasm and see these words.
I'm still here Jodie I'm protecting you
I smile at that and sat on the edge of the chasm. What's down there? Is there a path to somewhere. There has to be something down there, I look down and see a hole. I see some flashing lights. I should go down there has to be something except. The wave splashes onto the stone of the chasm.
"Aiden you-"
"Your not gonna jump right?" Eric interrupted.
"No I'm just gonna find out what's down there."
"Your gonna die." Eric says worriedly.
"Nope wanna go with me?" I ask.
"No crazy I'll stay up here."
"AIDEN GO!" I jump down slowly. I can see a circle around me. I went down and looked up at Eric.
"Who's Aiden? And wow!"
"You don't need to know. I'm going to the tunnel over here I'll be back by morning I guess." I Ran over to the tunnel. Aiden lights up my way. It was all the dusty rusted up. I kept going and there was a cage. I see a key on the rusty floor I took it and opened the cage. I looked around in there, must be something scary.
"Aiden protect me please." I went in the cage and the cage closed behind. My heart pounds a little. How did I come up with going in this hell? I looked around a bit more to see a note on the floor. I bent down and read the note.

I survived, please be careful there's these weird monsters coming to attack you, not really but there like ghosts. Once you get past and get away from the ghost then you look up and see a passage to outside the fence.
-there waiting for you good luck
I put my hand on the bloody paper and My eyes rolls back. Gross. The surroundings disappears and I see someone must be Joseph writing with his blood, then he leaves. The surroundings appeared again and I see the bloody paper and the water around me. I kept going in to the tunnel still wondering if he got hurt. I kept going and I see no ghost. I keep going and at the edge of the tunnel I see light. I keep on going for a while and I see a ladder that heads up to the outside world. Is it the Amity or outside the fence? Who's waiting for me? I climbed up the ladder curiously to find that I see building, high buildings across from me I clutch the key and note in my hand and put it in my pocket. The sun was still out and I walked to the city. I look around to see glass buildings and people wearing pink, green, orange and other colors. This has to be the outside fence. I look around and it looks exactly like the picture in my history textbook. These places has recovered from the war. Cars were coming everywhere and trains were everywhere to. This is what was waiting for me. A new city, life. I smiled a bit and headed back to the hole and back to the chasm. Once I got back it was technically midnight. Everyone was asleep and I was soaked and wet from the water, I took a shower and changed to dauntless clothing. Once I plop down on my bed I fell asleep immediately.

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