Chapter 11

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I went back to the dorm and discover that dauntless are asleep. I went back and laid on my bed. I could hear Al cry in the darkness. I approached to him and sat on his bed. I try comforting him but he keeps crying.
"You'll make it to dauntless I'll help you." I whisper.
"H...ow?" Al stutters.
"Some way." Aiden can rearrange the scoreboard someway or I could help him train which I don't think will happen but maybe. I look at him worried. Will he actually make it though? I try to get the thought away and comfort him to sleep.
I woke up on my bed to discover it was only 6 I look around the dorm to see if everyone is asleep and went to change. I put on a baggy shirt and some jeggings. I went to the training room and started to punch some bags. Will I be able to trust Evelyn with Aiden? Doesn't Jeanine know that I have Aiden because she's the Erudite leader? If she does then would Evelyn lure me into something dangerous? No I don't think so she's my mother unless she's like Marcus, at the thought of the I punched the bag real hard and blood comes out of my knuckles. Gross. Aiden gets the pain away and I went to get a first aid kit. I took the alcohol and dab it into the scab on my knuckles.
"Fuck." I whimper. It stings and I had to close my eyes to dab it. Once it was done I wrapped it and went back to punching. I kept punching, and I hear someone approach me. I turn around to see Eric. "What?" I mumbled. I punched the bag once more and it moved hard.
"Your strong and sometimes weak." He says. Somewhat rude and somewhat nice.
"Hu it's nice to know that sometimes I'm weak because I jumped down the chasm with you and four without getting injured or dead." I hissed. I smirk at the thought. Thanks Aiden. Maybe I could go back down there without anyone with me. Eric smiles.
"That's cute." Wait what?? I look up at him not believing him. "Trust me you are cute." I smile at him.
"Not always." I mumbled.
"Hey can I ask you something?" He said under his breath.
"Well I was only here for about 2-4 days what?"
"I've seen you around school before, we never gotten to talk but I've seen you roam around."
"And..." I'm confused.
"Your cute I love you." He smiles at me. So he's gentle. I smile back. He leans in slowly asking for a kiss I look up and kissed him. But do I have feelings for him? I guess I do. Me letting Eric go to the outer world with me.
"I love you." I whispered. He holds my hand and brings me to the chasm. I sit next to him and we began to kiss. I pull back to here the sounds of the waves banging the chasm stone wall. "Is it true that you love me? Is it true?" He nods and gestures me up.
"You have to go train the initiates."
"Today there fighting. It's good that you were punching some bags before the time was up." I nodded and headed up to the training room. I sat on the bench and waited for the initiates to come. Eric does look cute, the two piercings on his right eyebrows. The tattoos on his neck and blue eyes. He looks good though. I shuffle my foot around to wait to fight. Eric puts up a board and it shows who's fighting. I was fighting with Peter and we were first. Great. I went up to the mat and waited to fight.
"You look a little weak I bet-" I got angry at that and punched him in his jaw. He tried punching me in the head but duck. I kneed him in his stomach and duck for the punch. Aiden got him a little cold. But I shook my head to know it was cheating. He rubbed his arms and I punched him in his face. He kneed me in the stomach and I kicked him. He fell and I punched him and kicked him. I look at him to see he has passed out. I smirk and stood up.
"Great..." Everyone looked at me surprised. I just shrugged and got off the mat and head to the chasm to avoid the staring. I sat down and looked down at the chasm. I remember they said there was this monster. A bit weird. I guess an entity? No a monster can't be down there, monsters don't exist. When I went down there was no monsters except complete darkness. Someone approaches me and stood next to me. I look up to see Eric. I smiled at him looked back down at the chasm.
"Great job there." I smile and shuffle my feet. It was still noon and I have to meet Evelyn.
"Thanks I have to go now." I stood up and Eric grabs me.
"Be careful." I nodded and he kisses me on the cheek. I head out the door and see the blue sky and light. I look straight towards the factionless and then Erudite. What will Erudite do to me?

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