a problem house

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season 2 episode one
welcome to season 2, I've decided for the sake of things in the ashes universe, renee is not going to be a part of the first initial episode or 2 of this season.

I have a plan for when she pops up in the later seasons. I hope this doesn't annoy anyone or cause any confusion i've thought a lot about it.
A lot had happened since the events of the prison fire, shay had begun seeing someone deciding to move out of the apartment she shared with kelly and carter, the couple were doing better than ever as they searched for their own place and carter had just arrived back from visiting her family in new york almost a week earlier than she was originally meant to be home having turned up at the firehouse in her uniform just as the alarm went off, the two squad lieutenants jump out the truck heading for boden.

"We'll vent the roof and start in the basement" matt explains, "we've got the main floor" kelly says as he and carter begin to make their way towards the house reaching the bottom of the stairs, "whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, do you smell" boden begins causing the two lieutenants to stop when an explosion rips through the building, "hey, 51, follow us in with the light" carter orders, "Carter, stay with me" kelly instructs, "that smell's still here" carter announces as they pull on their scba's, "yeah, diesel?" matt asks, "yeah" kelly confirms before carter gets the chance, the three rush up the stairs and into the house, "anybody in here?" kelly asks as the two search, "hey, I got nothing, where is she?" capp asks as he joins his lieutenants, "check the hallway" carter instructs, "fire department, call out!" kelly announces as he heads into the basement following carter, "anybody here? call out!" carter shouts as kelly makes his way down the states collapse underneath him, kelly quickly gets up, "mayday, mayday! we're trapped in the basement" kelly radios, "the stairs are gone" carter adds, "Strand! Severide!" boden shouts as he, mouch and mills enter the basement and lower the hose pulling kelly up first when part of the ceiling collapses on carter, "get her out!" kelly orders, they lower the line down to carter who crawls free of the rubble and pull her up proceeding to help her out the building as the others help kelly out, shay rushes over, "let's get him down" shay orders, they help kelly sit down as the other two bring carter down, "you okay?" shay asks, "yeah, I'm okay, I'm okay, where's Carter?" kelly asks searching for his girlfriend, "she's here, she's okay" shay assures as they let carter go, kelly wraps his arms round her pulling her helmet and scba off stroking his hand down her cheek as he holds her close when he spots boden staring at something before the man walks away kicking the trolley over, "what is it?" matt asks, "1751, 1551, that's my badge number and carters badge number" kelly explains.

The crew sit in the common room when boden walks in.

"Okay, everybody, listen up, the state of Illinois, in all its wisdom, has brought in a consultant to make recommendations on firehouse closures" boden announces, "what?" herrmann asks, "51 is on that list to be certain that it doesn't happen here, we are gonna tighten up, not give em a reason to even look in our direction, does everybody understand?" boden explains, "meaning what, chief?" cruz asks, "meaning that the trucks and the gas will be monitored, so no more side trips to go and get ice cream, you will also be required to join a wellness program, or you will pay higher premiums" boden explains, "this is insanity, Chief" herrmann announces, "yeah, according to these wellness doctors, I'm technically obese" mouch argues, "the union's not gonna stand for this" matt declares, "actually, I heard douchebag Greg Sullivan is running for Union president" herrmann reveals, "who?" cruz asks, "ugh, I know him from bowling league, and let me tell you, he's no fireman's fireman, he's a climber" herrmann explains, "regardless, we lock it down starting now" boden instructs, "you got it, chief" matt confirms, "you're gonna have some new faces soon, from the house that's already been closed, everybody keep an eye out" boden says walking out, "so I come back from New York to this and new faces oh what joy" carter declares, carter stands at the squad doing an equipment check as kelly sits at the table, "Severide, Strand, we got trouble! get out here!" herrmann shouts, carter bolts out to the apron alongside kelly, "your cars!" herrmann shouts as smoke billows from kelly's beloved camaro and carters beloved jeep that she had lent to shay sits with the tires slashed, windows smashed and the exterior front and back passenger doors scratched up, "hey what the hell?" kelly shouts as he continues running to his car when it explodes, two of the truck guys hit it with the hose, "totaled" herrmann announces, "you smell that?" casey asks kelly nods as carter puts the puzzle pieces together in her head, "same chemical" matt deduces, "yeah, now we know" kelly nods, "whoa, you guys make your own fires around here, or" a man in a lieutenant shirt asks, "you must be the new guys" matt says, "I'm Lieutenant Spellman, this is Clarke, wish it were under better circumstances" spellman introduces as he shakes matts hand, "I'm Casey, this is Severide and Strand, nice to meet you" matt says, "Jeff Clarke, sir, miss" clarke says holding his hand out, "Clarke" kelly repeats shaking the man's hand, carter ends her phone call with a mechanic and shakes clarke's hand, the three lieutenants begin making their way in, "so it's gonna be pricey to fix the jeep insurance should cover most of it. They wanna take your car with mine" carter explains, "when are they coming to tow it" kelly asks, "sometime today" carter says as the three step into bodens office, "we all smelled the same thing there and at the camaro" matt explains as a loud knock sounds on the door, "come on in, Clarke" boden instructs, clarke enters the office, "pardon the interruption, sir, but, um, I found this on the car" clarke explains, "what is it?" matt asks, "that coil holds a styrofoam cup filled with something like brake fluid, sitting on an oxidizer, It's a homemade accelerant" clarke explains, "how do you know all this?" boden asks, "I've seen it before, also the other car, the seats are soaked in diesel so you might wanna search for one of these in it" clarke explains, "okay, we bring in arson investigation and CPD, Carter cancel the tow company" boden orders.

The crew gather in the locker room under bodens instruction.

"Okay, step one of the cutbacks overtime pay has been suspended" boden reveals, "here we go" herrmann remarks, "and we are gonna start doubling up on lockers, they're gonna take out that whole section and use it to store some of the equipment from the closed firehouse 33, please don't ask me why" boden explains, "this has reached a new level of absurdity" herrmann declares, "so now, you get to choose who you wanna share with" boden says, kelly looks at carter and nods towards his locker, carter nods in agreement, "anyone but cruz, I'm begging you" otis admits, "I'll take otis" cruz retorts, "he didn't mean that" otis says, "in a more serious note, we have to reason to believe that Carter Strand and Kelly Severide have gotten the attention of an arsonist, I have been assured by CPD and arson investigation that they are into it, but I expect extra vigilance in the coming shifts from all of you, and finally, today marks one year since we lost Andy Darden, everyone hold a thought for him and the family that he left behind, we are all a little less without him in our lives, I'll leave you to it" boden finishes.

The crew get called out to a fire, kelly and matt stop with a victim before kelly helps carter break a door in, eventually the two join matt and head upstairs.

"Strand, Severide, Casey, Shay and Dawson are trapped in building two, can you see them?" boden radios, the three look out the window spotting gabby and shay, "got em' chief" matt confirms, "we've got an incapacitated woman on a stair chair, she can't move" gabby explains, "Casey, we can't get the aerial in there to pull em' out"
boden says, "mills, otis, run a straight ladder up, bring em across, go" matt instructs, mills and otis pass the ladder into the three lieutenants who place it out the window and into the window of the other building with help from gabby, the three work to get the two paramedics and the woman into the other building and pull them in leaving matt as the last one when the window ledge crumbles sending the ladder flying which leaves matt swinging on the hose, otis, mills, kelly and carter work to pull matt in, the group exit the building and the two squad lieutenants stand next to boden as clarke walks over carrying the accelerant contraption that had been in kelly's car, "found two of these in the basement" clarke reveals.

Carter lays on her bunk in the shared office chilling when shay enters.

"An arsonist? what the hell? are you guys okay?" shay asks, "yeah, we'll find him, we'll, we'll find him" kelly says, "all right, look, Kelly, Carter, um, I'm sorry about the Olivia thing, and I'm sure everything's on the up and up now you live together alone" shay apologises, "she may not have been the nicest to us but it doesn't mean you have to apologise, place is empty without you" carter muses, "all right, cool" shay says.

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