Max- The Skatepark

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My breathing hitches as I lean down on to my skateboard, propelling myself into the bowl of the skatepark. I sigh with relief as I hit the bottom, free of injury.

I do a few laps of the bowl before pulling myself up with my hands and making my way over to the few ramps located off to the side of the park. I cruise around effortlessly, by now I know these ramps well, as they belong to the only skatepark in Hawkins. But the bowl is a new edition to the skatepark, it's opening was today and it brought many new skaters to the park.

One in particular catching my eye. Max Mayfield, who sits in front of me in biology. I have secretly liked the redhead since she first moved to Hawkins two years ago, but I have never been brave enough to talk to her.

I watch as Max launches herself into the bowl, easily propelling herself over the opposite edge. She is by far the best skater at the park. The way she glides with such ease is mesmerising. I watch as she shoots into the bowl once more, flicking her board effortlessly so that she lands next to me. I look at her, my mouth slightly agape.

"Hey you're Y/n right?"

"Yeah" I stammer, absolutely stunned that she is speaking to me.

"I didn't know you skated" she says quizzically.

"I don't" I blurt, still completely awestruck.

She furrows her eyebrows.

"I mean, I do, but like I'm nothing compared to your skating" I gush, mentally cursing myself for being so awkward.

She smiles at this.

"Nooo, I saw you, you were great on the ramps" she says reassuringly.

"Yeah, but I was pretty shit in the bowl."

"No, you were doing amazing for a beginner" she exclaims.
"If you want I can help you get more confident?"

"Um yeah that would be great" I stammer, feeling colour rush to my cheeks.

"Ok cool" she beams.

For the next hour, Max tries to teach me how to skate in the bowl. Gradually we become more comfortable with each other.

"So how are you so good at skating anyway?" I question, hanging my legs over the edge of the bowl.

"I guess because California doesn't only have one shitty little skatepark to practice at" she says with a laugh.

"Ok fair".

"And why isn't a skater as good as you at the skatepark more often? you would've made my learning experience a whole lot more fun" I praise.

I notice as her cheeks flush slightly pink.

"Well this place is all the way on the outskirts of town and my family doesn't want to take me."

"What, so how'd you get here today?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I skated here" she mutters, twisting her hands together.

"But that would be like, almost 2 hours" I say, looking at her with concern.

"I know I just really needed to get out of the house today" she murmurs, her voice breaking slightly. I grab her hand and squeeze it in attempt to reassure her. She gives me a tight smile.

"So um did you wanna give the bowl one more go, before it gets dark?" She asks, standing up awkwardly.

I nod, and prepare myself on the edge of the bowl. I lean down and propel myself forward, but my board springs from beneath me and I land harshly on my ankle.

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