Ziggy- The Witch's Lair

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"Sheila!" I yell, running towards her.

"Sheila, let her go" I yell, pushing her by the shoulders as I reach her.

I turn to face Ziggy who is hanging by her wrists from a tree. Her nose bleeding heavily.

"Fuck off, this is none of your business" Sheila snarls, grabbing my arm and pushing me away.

"If you don't let her go I'll tell Alice and Arnie" I say.

"Yeah? And what are those stoners going to do about it?" Sheila smirks, Will and the others all snickering at her comment.

"Their still counsellors and they can still get your ass kicked out of here if anyone sees that burn on her arm."

"Fine, take the witch" Sheila says bluntly, waving for her friends to follow her as she hurries away from the scene. I quickly untie Ziggy's hands.

"Thanks for that" she says, wiping her bloody nose on the bottom of her singlet. I try not to look as the fabric lifts.

"Yeah no problem" I mutter, crossing my arms awkwardly.

Ziggy begins to walk away, turning around to flash me a smile as she leaves.

"Wait" I yell, jogging to catch up to her.
"Don't you want Nurse Lane to check out that burn?"

"I'll live" she says with a scoff.

"Ziggy that could get infected." I say.

"Fine I'll go" she sighs, rolling her eyes playfully.
"But only if you come with me."

I blush as she grabs my arm.

Ziggy knocks loudly on Nurse Lane's door.
No reply.

"Oh well, I just need a bandage anyway" Ziggy says, swinging open the door.

"Ziggy wait-" I begin but she is already shuffling through Nurse Lane's desk.

"Hm what's this" she mutters, as she flicks through  a tattered notebook.

"Look I found a bandage can we please just get out of here" I say, tugging at Ziggy's arm.

"Hold on" she murmurs, trailing her finger through one of the pages in the notebook.

"Look at this witchy shit" she says, pointing at a strange looking diagram on the page.

"That's a map" I say, leaning in to inspect the book closer. "Of camp, and there look at that marking.
The witch's lair."

Ziggy flashes me a grin.

"We have to go" she pleads, her eyes filled with excitement.

"No, no way."

"Come on Y/n, you're telling me you really don't want to see a witches lair?" Ziggy says, staring into my eyes, a wild grin playing on her lips.

"Okay fine, that would be cool."

"You're the best" she exclaims, grabbing on to my hand and squeezing it. I feel as my heart begins to beat faster.

"Wait first let me put that bandage on" I say, unclasping the bandage and gently ravelling it around Ziggy's freckled arm.

"Okay all done" I say, grabbing on to her hand again.

"Thanks" she murmurs, her cheeks flushed slightly pink.

She drags me out the door, unable to contain her excitement. We run in to the woods, weaving in and out of the trees.

"It should be around here somewhere" she says, as we wonder around the clearing.

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