Ziggy- Truth or Dare

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Warning: Smut

"Tommy!" I yell, barging in to the counsellor's cabin.

I stop suddenly as I almost run in to Joan who is lying on the rug with a joint between her fingers.

"What the-" I say, staring around to see Tommy, Cindy, Ziggy, Gary, Joan, Alice and Arnie all sprawled around the room sharing beers and a joint amongst themselves.

"Since when did you smoke?" I question, furrowing my eyebrows at my brother.

"You know I don't Y/n, now get out of here you're too young to be involved in this shit" Tommy says sternly, nodding to the door.

"I'm 17 Tom, and besides Ziggy's here, she's my age" I complain.

"Come onnn, let little Slater join us" Alice pleads.

"Fine" Tommy sighs, rolling his eyes.

I smile, as I take my spot between Arnie and Ziggy.

"Hey" Ziggy smirks, nudging my shoulder.

"Hey" I say, blushing as she scoots in closer, making our thighs touch.

"Here you go Y/n/n" Arnie grins, tossing me a can of beer.

"Nah I don't drink" I say handing it back to me.

"Guess being up tight runs in the family then" Arnie snickers.

"I smoke" I say defensively.

"Ooh did you hear that Slater, your little sister's less of a prig than you" Gary teases, passing me the joint which he is holding.

"You shouldn't be doing that shit Y/n" Tommy says disapprovingly.

"It's good for you" I grin, taking a drag "Gotta have my healthy greens don't I Tom?"

Everyone but Cindy and Tommy chuckle at this.

I pass the joint to Ziggy, our fingers brushing against each other as I do so, causing me to blush.

"Thanks" she whispers.

"Hey do you guys wanna play a game" Joan slurs, putting her feet up on a nearby chair.

Everyone nods and cheers in agreement.

"How about strip poker" Gary suggests, looking up and down Joan's legs.

"No" Cindy interjects, looking quickly at Ziggy, "How about normal poker?"

Everyone boos at this idea.

"Fine, how about Truth or Dare" she sighs.

"Oooh a classic" Alice says, nodding in agreement.

Everyone forms a circle as we get ready to begin.

"Okay, I'm starting" Gary exclaims, "Joan, truth or dare?"

"Uhh truth" Joan replies.

"If you had to go down on anyone in this room, who would you pick?" he asks.

"Probably Y/n" Joan smirks, motioning to me. Gary's face drops at this.

"She's literally 17 Joan, and a camper." Ziggy retorts.

"So, I'm 19" Joan shrugs, clearly drunk, "what do you think Slater Jr, you think I'm hot?"

"I- um, I guess" I say awkwardly, looking over at Ziggy who is staring at Joan coldly.

"Really?" Ziggy hisses at me under her breath.

"Come on Ziggy, don't act like you're not into Nick Goode."

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