Max- Secret Dating

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"Guys I've got the popcorn, put the movie on!" Dustin yells, jogging down the stairs of Mike's basement.

Mike and Lucas ignore him, continuing to play Atari.

"C'mon guys, put it on" I say, tossing the tape on to Lucas' lap.

Mike grumbles as he turns off the Atari. Lucas slips the tape in to the VHS player and everyone get comfortable.

Lucas and El lie on beanbags and Dustin, Will and Mike sit on the couch. I snuggle in next to Max on the Lazyboy and toss a blanket over the both of us.

The opening scene of 'Halloween' begins to play.

Dustin commentates as the scene progresses. "Oooh he's stalking his sister and her boyfriend , and look they're going upstairs. Oh shit Michael's got a knife, and the boyfriend's leaving. And there it is, he murders his sister wooo."

"Shut up Dustin" I say, rolling my eyes at him. We had watched this movie a million times, but it had sort of become a tradition for the Party's sleepovers.

"Y/n, look it's your favourite part" Lucas jokes, as the camera flashes to the girl's bare chest.

My face reddens at this. Max takes her head off my shoulder and looks up at me. I meet her eyes.

"Oh really?" she whispers, in a testing tone.

"Yours are better" I murmur in to her ear, she grins at this, seemingly satisfied with my answer.

Max moves her head back in to the crook of my neck and I trace a finger up and down her shoulder.

We continue watching the movie, all of us munching on our popcorn and making jokes every so often.

Max seems restless though, she keeps on shifting next to me.

"What's wrong?" I mutter, looking down at her.

"I'm bored" she whispers.

I scoff "there's only like an hour left, you'll be fine."

I shift my focus back to the movie and Max huffs. We sit in silence for another five minutes, before I feel Max's hand on my thigh. She slowly grazes her fingers up my leg, inching closer to my heat. I lurch as she squeezes my inner thigh.

Will notices and looks at me, "you alright?" he whispers.

"Yeah I'm good" I say, forcing a smile. Max giggles softly at my flushed face, which only she can see in the darkness.

She moves her head from my shoulder and begins lightly kissing my neck, rubbing at my inner thigh all the while.

"Max" I hiss softly, "enough, the others are gonna see."

She trails her tongue along my collarbone causing me to gasp. "Fine" she drawls, staring up at me with her bedroom eyes. She knows what she's doing with that look.

"I'm going to the bathroom" she announces, "don't bother pausing it."

Max stands up and leans in to my ear. "Come join me" she murmurs, biting softly on my earlobe. I watch as she strolls towards the bathroom.

I try to continue watching the movie, but i'm distracted by the thought of my girlfriend waiting for me down the hall.

I contemplate how to join Max in the bathroom without raising suspicion.

"Umm guys I need to go check something, don't wait for me" I say quickly, I hear a few 'mhms' in return and I hurry towards the bathroom.

I knock softly on the door. Max cracks it open slightly to check if it's me. She smiles as she sees me and fully swings open the door.

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