Ziggy- Best Friends

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"String her up" Sheila yells, as Will ties Ziggy's wrists.

"No, no let me down you shits!" Ziggy cries as her hands are pulled above her head.

She glances at me and I look away, wracked with guilt.

I keep my head down as Sheila continues to torment Ziggy.

"Fuck you" Ziggy yells, striking Sheila across the face with her elbow.

"Guess we're even now" Ziggy murmurs.

"You do know what they did to Sarah Fier right?" Sheila snaps, "they hanged her from this very tree, but she would've died forever if you do what you always do to witches. You burn them."

"Give me your lighter" Sheila yells, hurrying towards Will. She takes the lighter from him and moves towards Ziggy, grinning maniacally.

"Now someone hold her legs" she grunts, nodding towards me and the others. I take a step back, crossing my arms awkwardly.

Everyone stands back hesitantly.

"Seriously Sheila?" Katie says.

"Move" Sheila demands.

Katie and Will hurry towards Ziggy holding her legs in place. Ziggy struggles against them as Sheila flicks on the lighter and starts to move it towards Ziggy's arm.

I try to contain myself as I watch.

Ziggy tries to pull away, whimpering as the flame nears her skin.

Before it can touch her I run up to Sheila, shoving her harshly. She grunts, turning to face me.

"What the fuck are you doing" she hisses, walking right up to me.

"Do you want to be strung up too bitch?"

"Just leave her alone Sheila" I warn.

"Well, well Y/n." she smirks, her voice sickeningly sweet. "Once a shadyside slut, always a shadyside slut huh?"

"You're psychotic" I mutter, clenching my teeth.

"I tried to help you, but I guess you were always a lost cause weren't you sweetie." Sheila says, grabbing my jaw.

I push her hand away.

"I'd rather be a shadyside slut, then a stuck up sunnyvale bitch like you" I say, shoving past her and beginning to untie Ziggy's wrists.

"Come on" I utter softly, grabbing Ziggy's hand and pulling her away.

Once we're further away, Ziggy pulls her hand away and storms towards her cabin, not saying a word to me.

"Ziggy" I yell, hurrying after her.

She slams the door of her cabin shut.

"Hey Ziggy, open up" I yell, hammering on the door.

"Fuck off Y/n" she yells.

"Why are you mad at me? You're not gonna thank me for saving your ass back there?" I shout, growing frustrated.

She throws the door open, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Why should I thank you? You didn't do anything until I was in actual fucking danger" she retorts.

"What was I supposed to do?"

"I don't know maybe stop them from stringing me up and humiliating me? God you've become so self centred haven't you?"

"Me, self centred. You don't talk to me anymore and you avoid me like the fucking plague at school" I snap.

"Well maybe that's because you ditched me for Sheila and her little fucking clique" she shouts.

"God Ziggy, I make a couple of new friends from my new town and you act like that. You made this happen Ziggy, as much as you want to believe that it was me, I still wanted to be your friend." I yell, my face burning red.

She looks up at me silently, her bottom lip quivering. She tries to blink back tears but fails.

I immediately feel guilty now, even though I know that it's not my fault.

"You were my best friend" she yells , her voice quivering, "I missed my friend and I felt like you didn't want me anymore Y/n, it made me feel like shit okay? So yeah i'm sorry if I acted mad but I had the fucking right to-"

"You think I wasn't mad?" I shout, cutting her off. "I was mad too Ziggy, because i liked you. I liked you as more than a best friend and you pushed me away, why because I moved to a different town? That's fucking bullshit."

"That's so unfair" Ziggy yells, walking right up to me as she runs her hand through her hair, flicking it out of her face.

"Don't say that now. You can't, I don't need to think about that anymore. You're fucking cruel, that's what you are, you're mean, you're so mean" she rages, her voice shaking as she prods her finger repeatedly in to my chest.

Ziggy crosses her arms together as she begins to sob. I pull her in to my arms, rubbing her back as I rest my cheek on her head.

"Hey, it's okay Zigs. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I whisper, guiding us in to her cabin  and shutting the door. Not letting any prying eyes see Ziggy so vulnerable, knowing that she'd hate it.

"I needed you Y/n" she sobs, pressing her face in to my shoulder.

"I'm sorry" I whisper, starting to cry now as well.

"I was so in love with you" she mutters softly.

"You- what?"

"I still am" she murmurs, looking up at me.

"I love you too Ziggy, so much" I whisper.

I lightly lift her chin, and we stare in to each other's eyes for a moment.

We both begin to lean in. Our lips connect and it's like nothing i've felt before. My breath catches as I feel the warmth of her mouth against my own.

She grabs my face, pulling me down towards her, deeper into the kiss. We move in unison, gently yet so passionately.

Ziggy pushes me back slowly until the back of my knees hit her bed. I sit down and she straddles my lap. I pull her in closer to me so our bodies are completely pressed together. I begin to run my finger  up and down her back, which leaves her giddy.

Ziggy slips her tongue across my bottom lip asking for entry, I open my mouth slightly for her as I feel her tongue explore my mouth.

I groan with surprise as she takes my bottom lip between her teeth and lightly bites it.
She giggles at this, disconnecting our lips.

"You are so cute" she mutters, grinning widely.

"You're cuter" I whisper.

She pecks my lips quickly before looking at me again. We study each other's faces, both smiling so much it hurt.

I move to connect my lips with hers again but she swerves away.

I gasp at this and she giggles, rolling her eyes affectionately.

"Relax Y/n more of that later, how about we just cuddle for now?"

"Sounds good to me" I say lounging on her bed and opening my arms for her.

She hops off the bed and I gasp again.

"Rejecting me twice Berman?" I joke.

"Just playing some music, i'm not going anywhere" she giggles, flicking on her radio to 'Can't help falling in love'.

She jumps in to my arms, lying on top of me and resting her head in the crook of my neck.

"Aww look at you being cheesy" I grin.

"Shut up" she smirks, hitting me lightly.

I laugh, before kissing her shoulder softly.

"I love you Ziggy" I utter softly, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I love you too Y/n" she murmurs, smiling contently.

A/N- Sorry I haven't updated in so long, i've been super busy with school. hope you guys enjoy :))

{Sadie Sink - Imagines}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें