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"That's right," Katniss affirmed, nodding for a couple of seconds before adding. "And yours is orange."

"Orange?" Peeta asked confusedly.

"Not bright orange. But soft. Like the sunset," Katniss said rapidly. "At least, that's what you told me once."

"Oh," he muttered, closing his eyes briefly, probably trying to picture the sunset, before nodding along. "Thank you."

However, out of nowhere and as fast as before, Katniss blurted out more facts. "You're a painter. You're a baker. You like to sleep with the windows open. You never take sugar in your tea. And you always double-knot your shoelaces." Without a word, Katniss went back to her tent, clearly trying not to cry or say anything else.

In the morning, Finnick and Melo had to accompany Gale and Katniss to shoot some building glass for the camera crew. They weren't out for long, but when they got back, Peeta and Dove were sitting in a circle with the rest of their squad, who were armed but answering openly the questions. Johanna was by Dove's side, watching everyone's moves closely.

Jackson had created a game named "Real or Not Real" to help them, for those occasions they didn't know who to ask. It was rather simple. One of them mentioned something they thought happened, and the others told them if it was true or imagined, with a brief explanation whenever it was possible.

"Most of the people from Twelve were killed in the fire," Peeta said, looking at the soldiers.

"Real. Less than nine hundred of you made it to Thirteen alive," another answered.

"The fire was our fault," Peeta continued, glancing at Dove briefly before looking back at the group.

"Not real. President Snow destroyed Twelve the way he did Thirteen, to send a message to the rebels." They reply.

"I backstabed Alder and Clem," Dove muttered, looking up to catch a glimpse of Finnick and Melo walking their way.

"Not real. Both of them were injured for reasons you had no part in. However, you did give them the berries that stopped their hearts, ending their suffering." Boggs said, giving her an apologetic look. There wasn't a much better way to describe her allies' deaths.

Jackson created a new watch time. Finnick, Melo, Gale and Katniss were separated with the only company of a person from Thirteen, so Peeta could have someone he knew more personally to reply.

"I want to be in the rotation," Johanna said, receiving an analytic look from Jackson before nodding.

"All right, then, you're on with Melo," she answered, which Johanna replied with a nod.

The game was slow. Peeta always took his time considering every piece of information. Gale informed him of anything he could wonder about District Twelve; Finnick and Melo were practically experts on both of Peeta's Games since one of them had been mentors in one of them, and Finnick had also been a tribute in the Quell. However, it was the most direct and difficult stuff to reply that was directed to Katniss, who seemed to struggle her way with words.

"The first words I said to you were an apology," Dove asked Johanna after minutes of being quietly staring at the floor. Finnick's grasp on her hand was the only thing keeping her connected to reality.

"Real. Your exact words were 'I'm so sorry you have to go through this shit. It's just hell with a golden door'." Johanna answered, chuckling as she remembered that moment.

"I insulted you when we first met," Dove said again after a few seconds of silence, this time looking straight at Finnick.

"Not real. We ignored each other for an entire year. We never talked. And you certainly did not insult me. Your first words to me were actually 'thank you'." Finnick replied.

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