The Other Side Chapter 16

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so i decided to not keep you guys waiting any longer! since today is a special day (aka bday) i'm posting chapter 16 (part 1) ! OH! and Check out my BLOG!!!  link: (its also on my profile as my website! check it out if you interesting in reading some GOOD romance books :])

Chapter 16


  It was dark. The only light was coming through my window was the full moon that floated in the sky. I lay perfectly still in my bed. I turn my head slightly when the door opens, cascading a stream of light through the room. A muscular silhouette stands in the door way. He closes the door and when I feel him sit on the bed next to me I shiver.

  “Dominique, I need you,” he says. His voice was bold and had no hint of doubt.

  “I need you,” I repeat. I sit up and lean on the headboard.

  When his hand finds my cheek a spark runs through me. I watch his lips as they inch towards mine. His lips run softly against mine as if he were playing an instrument. They were so soft.

  I nibble on his bottom lip for an invite. They slowly part with mine. When our tongues touch I feel a spark.   I feel as if I am melting as his hands wanders and caresses me under my jammies. My hands also wandered his hard abs. A smile forms on my lips as he shivers under my touch. I can’t believe I’m able to have that affect on a person like him. When I break away for air he made a trail of kisses from my neck to my belly. I pull him back to my lips, my hands running through his soft hair. He deepens the kiss and I tremble.  

This feels so right. More than it’s ever have. No one has ever made me feel this way.   He slowly slides down the straps of my silk chemise and plants sweet kisses on each of my shoulders. His eyes are darkened by the lack of light, but I could tell there’s wanting filling them. I press my hand on his bare chest guiding him to lie back on the bed. I boldly straddle him and kiss his chest. I feel his strong hard muscles relax under each embrace and his soft moans are like music to my ears. He flips me over and lightly lies on top of me. He presses his lips to mine and softly part them. I moan in delight against them. His hand slides from my thigh to under my chemise and rests on my lace boy shorts. He gently tugs on them, obviously wanting them off.

  “Wait,” He says breaking the kiss, “I want to see you when we do this.” He reaches for the lamp on my night stand and turns it on. When I look up into his eyes I expect to see deep royal blue ones but instead I’m looking into gaping chocolate brown filled with lust and...and possibly love.

  “Tú eres muy bonita mi amor(you are very beautiful),” He wispers. Those words make me melt even though I don’t know what they mean. Just by the way he said it, it made me feel special. He places his hand on my cheek and lays me back onto my bed. “Te amo, I love you,” he says in between kisses.  

“I love-” Before I could finish, I wake up to the feeling of moisture all over my body. I shoot out of bed gasping for air, my whole body is covered with sweat. Ew!   Oh.My.Gosh. Did I just have a dream about ALMOST doing it with... with Antonio?! Oh. My. Freaking. Gosh. What is wrong with me! I can’t believe this! I just had a dream about Antonio! I’m like legit going looney.

  I reach into my nightstand and look into my dream book I got for Christmas years ago.  

“Psychological Meaning: Erotic dreams are usually a straightforward expression of sexual desire. The nature of the sex may reveal you hidden hopes and fears. Your dreams may offer ways to help you lead a happier and more natural sexual life.”

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