The Other Side Chapter 24

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Happy 2012 Guys!! Here's your NEW YEARS GIFT! Enjoy! Happy Reading! :3

Chapter 24 


"That dress looks amazing!" Julie says peeking into my dressing room. I can her Riley saying, "Let me see! Let me see!" in the stall beside mine. Her head pops through the curtains.

"Oh, babe! That dress looks crazy sexy on you. Buy it please!" she walks in and poses in the mirror.

"You really think?" I ask, running my hands down the sides. It was a red short tube dress with cut outs along the sides.

"Yeah!," Julie comes all the way in, "It makes your curves look amazing and your butt looks huge," she eyes the hem. "It's a little long but that's ok." Extremely short things were always Julie's style. I look myself in the mirror. This dress was perfect length, maybe even a little too short though. It reached a little above mid thigh.

"If you don't get that dress, I will." Riley says, "Trust me. All the guys are going to want to dance with you tomorrow night." she whistles.

I strip out of it and back into my clothes. I pick out some cute and extremely high silver pumps before going to the register.

"So how long do you think it'll take until the people start to leave tomorrow?" Riley asks once we find a table in the food court.

"An hour or two." Julie pours some salad dressing over her salad. "We're going to Johnny's after party right?"

"Hell yeah!" Riley sips her smoothie, "I heard Stacy was trying to have her own after party too."

"Ew, who would go to hers," I say with disgust.

"I know right, but I heard she going to cancel because she can't compete with Johnny." Julie says.

"Probably," I mutter before taking a bite of my burger.

"So, did you find a date?" Riley asks after a moment of silence.

"I already told you I'm not taking anyone," I tell her.

"Why not? I bet you any guy will be willing to take you." Julie says.

"I know right! You're sexy as hell. Guys probably would beg on their knees to take you," Riley agrees.

"I'll set you up!" Julie offers, full of excitement.

"No! Please don't! I'm absolutely fine going by myself, really."

I don't understand the big deal with having a date. It's not like its prom or something.

Julie mutters, "Fine," but when she and Riley exchange glances, I knew they had something up their sleeves.

The next day, I wake up around one. I had gotten home from shopping with Riley and Julie late and instead of going to bed, I decided to straighten and put my hair in rollers.

I roll out of bed and check my phone. I have a new voice message.

"Hey Dom, it's me, Jules. So, yesterday I found out that Heath, you know, that really hot soccer player, didn't have a date. I hope you don't mind that I asked him if he could take you," she giggles, "Anyways, we'll pick you up at seven! Bye!"

"Ugh!" I moan, tossing my phone on my bed. She never gives up. I head to the bathroom for a shower before I do my nails.  

I kick back on my bed and watch some TV as I wait for my ruby nails to dry. When they're finished, I only have an hour and half to get ready.  

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