The Other Side Chapter 9

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Chapter 9  


"Hey. How was school?" Panna says when I walk into the foyer.

"Good, why?" I ask. Usually Panna doesn't really ask me about school unless something is up. I take off my jacket and hang it on the hanger.

"Well I got a call from your school. Do you know what that's all about?" I sense a little anger in her voice.

"Um, no." why would the school call? That's weird.

"Well they said that tomorrow you have to go to the office as soon as you get to school." She says with more of a calmer tone. "But if I hear anything about you getting into trouble, oh are you in for it." She says.

"Jeez, mom. Chill out." I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." she says. "Ugh! I don't know what is going on with you these days but you're becoming so irresponsible." I don't really know why she dragged responsibility into this but that's Panna.

"Really? Me of all people. Panna, responsible is my middle name."

"Well you sure haven't been acting like it. Going out all night and not calling to tell me where you are. Yeah, that sure sounds like something a responsible person would do." She says sarcastically.

"That was only one time, and honestly if I said I was going over Riley's and I hadn't called, don't you think I'd be sleeping over." I say with a little attitude.

She rolls her eyes, "Goodness Dominique. I'm going to be gray before I reach 30 because of you." She says and walks away.

I let out an exasperated sigh. I go upstairs and took a much needed hot shower and got started on my homework.


I feel like a fuckin insomniac. I've been tossing and turin in my bed for about an hour. I look over to my clock. 1 AM. Damn, I'll do anything for some sleepin pills right now. I tried that countin sheep shit too and that didn't work. I need some air. I rip the sheets of me and put on some pants and a t-shirt. Before I walk out the door I hear someone behind me. I turn aound to see Izzy with her arms crossed.

"Where are you going?" she asks with her usual spunky attitude

"To get air. Vuelve a dormir (Go back to sleep.)" I say.

She rolls her eyes and walks back to her room.

I'm almost at the end of Spring Street when I feel chills all over me. I'm really wishing that I had worn something more than just a T-shirt. When I reach my Pa's tombstone I sit down next to it.

"Hey Pa," I say. "I couldn't sleep so I came here." I didn't really know what else to say. "Mamá and Gabe are good. Izzy is her usual fresh self." I stay there for another 10 minutes and just talkin about stuff.

As I walk back, it feels like it got even colder. The wind blows and I shiver. I feel goose bumps forming on my arms. The wind stops and dead silent, expect for the crunching of leaves under my feet. I stop when I hear noises coming from behind me. My muscles tense and I turn around to see a buff man walking up to me. He's wearing a black wife-beater and from the street lights I could see his tattoos runnin up and down his arms. He also had some on his face.

"Hey panocha(a girl's ehm private part)!" He calls out, "Shouldn't you be home sleeping?" as he gets closer I see he has a bottle in his hand. Must be drunk. He's only a few feet away when I see one of his tattoos. He's from a gang and not a good one. The symbol is from the gang Un Cabrón. A rival of HG. I get into a fighting stance. I gotta be prepared for anything this guy is gunna do.

"No answer eh? Didn't your Madre teach you to answer a pregunta(question) when it's asked?" he throws at my feet. I jump back before the glass shatters on the ground. He comes at me with his fist but I dodge it. He loses balance and almost falls. He tries again and punches me in the stomach. It was a hard one at that. I stumble back. When I get my balance I punch him back.

"Oh chavo (boy), you gunna get it now." He says unsteadily. He gets me off guard and punches me in the face. The impact of the punch knocks me to the floor. Nobody and I mean nobody ever hits me in the face. I get up before he could hit me again. This pendejo (asshole) is in for it.

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