The Other Side Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 


I can honestly say last night was the first time I have ever laid in bed with a girl and didn't sex. Dios mio, I'm losing it. All I did was "hang" with my girl "friends". Now, I just spend all my time with Dominique. It's like every second we're together! Not that that's a problem or anything. Actually, I'm surprised I haven't gotten tired of being with her already. Usually I can only be around certain girls for a select about of time; they get annoying like old repetitive songs. But with Dominique, the more I spend with her, the more time I want to be with her. Fuck.  

I promised myself, when Frankie and I broke up, that I'd never date again. I gave up on relationships. I was so in love with her and what she did fucked everything up. Shattered everything to pieces. I thought if I just hooked up with girls, no strings attached, everythin would be jolly as fucking Candy Land. Trust me, I wasn't wrong about that either. Getting with as many chicas is great. No one gets hurt, well at least not me, and you have nothing to worry about. But I know some manos who occasionally get jealous, estúpidos.  

Since Dominique and I had that kiss at the park, it's been on my mind for the longest. Sometimes the thought of actually bein with her slips in. I've even caught me convincing myself that I could make an exception for her. She's driving me loco! I know I can trust her though. A girl as sweet and innocent as her, yeah. She's the complete opposite from Frankie, but I just can't get myself to give in to my promise. I just don't think I can.

"The hell are you wearing?" I ask Felix when I get over to the picnic tables. My retard of a primo has a sparkly pink shirt with a bow on the side. I wish I could say I want to know what goes on in his head, but I really don't.

"I lost a bet, perra, and it's your fault." He fake sulks.

"My fault?" I sit down next to Javaugh, who was deeply engaged in Frankie's convo. Probably about her date with another OG.

"Yeah, pendejo (asshole). We bet last night on if you comin to chill or not. Me, being the amazing cousin I am, was the only one who placed a bet on your side and guess who decided not to show?"

I laugh, "Sorry primo," I slap his back, "I had tutoring."

"Tutoring, tutoring, tutoring. That's all you have time for! It aint like you're gunna be a doc or anything. Angel has your life set so why try so hard?" Felix huffs. I bit my lip shut, holding back all the things I really want to say.

Razuel opens his mouth, but shuts it when Frankie finally notices my presence.

"Well, I didn't see you last night." Frankie does her usual sexy strut towards me. This time, it's actually not sexy. When she tries to sit on my lap I hold my hands out to block her. She lifts a thick eyebrow and crosses her arm before sauntering off to another male victim. My eyes quickly avert to where Dominique usually sits. To my surprise she's staring straight at me. I wonder how long she's been starring. When she realizes I'm starring back she gives me a quick smile. I give her a wink before she looks away.

"What was that about?" Felix asks, letting out a sigh as he rests his chin on his hand.

"Huh?" I ask, not really paying attention. My eyes are still glued on Dominique.

"Miss Drama Queen Frankie," he answers.

I give him a shrug.

"You coming tonight, right?" Razuel asks, changing the subject.

"Mmm, can't." I answer nonchalantly.

"Lemme guess, tutoring?" Felix says with aggravation.

"You already know." I say just as the bell rings.

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