The Other Side Chapter 4

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Hey guys I know I haven't been on her in a while but heres chapter 4. Hope you like!


I can't believe I'm doing this. All I wanted to do was go out and talk to Papá. I mean whenever I got shit on my mind I always come and visit him. Now I got to carry this drunk ass girl to my home. Fuck. I know what you're thinkin: "He's a gang member so he is probably gonna take her home and rape her! That's what they all do." Yeah, not quite. I got chicas lining up to get a piece my sexy ass. 

I couldn't just leave her there knocked out on the floor. I aint a douche bag. 

When I got home everything was quite. Mamá was at work on her night shift, Izzy was havin some sleepover with one of her friends, and Gabriel was asleep. I carried her into Izzy's room and laid her down on her bed. There's gunna be a lot of explainin to do in the morning. I turned off the light and went to go check on Gabriel.  

He was sound asleep. I sat in the chair next to his bed. I just watched him sleep. I snickered at the sound of his loud breathing. 

"Gabriel," I whispered, "I don't know if this is right or not. Maybe I messed up. Maybe Mamá is right. Maybe I wasn't meant to be with HG." I know I must look crazy because I'm talking to my sleepin 6 year-old bro about gangs. I would've been talkin to Papá but... well you know the story. I just needed to tell somebody, anybody, what's on my mind. For the past week I've been thinkin about all the shit I've been through with HG. Yeah there were good times, but there were more bad times. 

"But I needed to do it. I need to protect mi familia in HG and you and Izzy from gettin jumped in the gang. Papá did it for us. So when he died I had to do it for you guys. I mean, you guys already got something goin for your lives. I already fucked mine up by flunckin and not even givin a shit about stuff. Who knows? Izzy could to turn out to be one of those makeup people; doin makeup and hair for models and shit. She's pretty good at it," I chuckled to myself. "Don't tell her I said that." I laughed to myself. I knew he wouldn't. He was knocked out! "And you little man, could be some doctor or a big lawyer. Ha! I could imagine it now. You in a nice tux, shiny dress shoes, and a brief case. You'd be a apachurro!" I sighed. All I could do was think about HG until my eyes began to droop. Soon after I fell asleep.  

Spanish Vocab! 

Apachurro- slang term for a sexually attractive male or female.

I know this chapter was really short but Im almost done with the 5th so stay tuned hehe 


Peace out cub scouts! 


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