The Other Side Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


 “So we need someone in charge of decoration and music team. Any takers?” Mrs. Richards asks the volunteer group.

  I shoot my hand up, “I can do the music,” I say.

  “Good,” she scribbles my name on a paper attached to her clipboard, “Who wants decorations?”  

“I wouldn’t mind helping,” Ms. Ackerman says. Her little soft English accent was just so darn cute!  

“Alrighty then. Ackerman is team decoration and Dominique is team music,” Mrs. Richards scribbles, “Ok! So, so far we have Rich on the catering, Edna is head of rentals, Wilma’s got the lighting, Georgia is decoration, and Dominique is head of music. So the rest of you choose which team you want!”

   I look around the table and see people discussing with their neighbor which team they want. One by one they raise their hand and tell Mrs. Richards which team they choose. Since I’m the only volunteer under the age of 30, I got stuck with doing music all by my lonesome self.  

 Before I leave the meeting Mrs. Richards pulls me a side.

  “I hope it’s not a problem for you doing music by yourself. It should be easy for you since your closet to the patients’ ages. Plus I doubt they’d want to listen to some 80’s music,” she lets out a crazy laugh. It sounded like a mix between hyena and a monkey... crazy, I know. She slaps me hard on the back and opens the door out of the meeting room.  

 When I get to my car I’ve already have a list of songs. Before I can fish out a pen and a piece of paper, my phone rings.

 “Hey babe,” Riley says, in between snaps of her bubble gum.  

 “Hey, what’s up?” I ask starting up my car.

  “Nothing, about to go play some bball,” Riley says. She sounds like she’s trying to butter me up. In the background I can hear the bouncing of a basketball.  

 “What do you want, Riley?” I turn of the ignition. This might be a while.

  “Now why would just assume that I might want something, dear friend?” She says.

 “Riley, I know you well, and I know you’d rather shoot hoops than call me,” It’s true though. Riley isn’t the type to spend time talking on the phone. She thinks it’s a waste of time. Sports and being fit is more important. But who can blame her? She’s got a hot bod, no homo. I would kill for her stomach.

  She fakes a gasp, “Dominique! How could you say that? You are my best friend. Oh I’m hurt!”  

 “Cut the crap,” I laugh. “Whatever you want me to do I’ll do it, just as long as it’s not too crazy.”  

“Well, tomorrow night a bunch of us is going to the beach. You should come,” she says a little nervously.

   “It’s fall, why are you going to the beach?” I ask. It wasn’t cold out but it was too cold to be skipping around on the beach in a skimpy bathing suit. Especially at night when the temperature drops.  

“Just too hang. Don’t worry Miss Modest, we’re not skinny dipping again,” she laughs.

  The last time we went to the beach I was stuck watching naked butts rush toward the ocean. It was really fun. They’re tan lines were beautiful.  

 “Well, since you brought that, I might want to reconsider.” I sure don’t feel like being a party pooper again for not taking my clothes off. Even though she said they weren’t going to skinny dip, I know my friends. They love to do some crazy shit.

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