The Other Side Chapter 3

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Helloooo! Whats up pups?! 

ok so i just finished the 3 part. i kinda rushed it cuz i wasnt feeling good but here it is. Also check out OddBall4's stories. shes a really good writer! 


. . . A WEEK LATER . . .


The Party (After Manchester High's Victorious Football Game)

"Damn Dom!" Riley said when I came out of her bathroom. I was wearing a blue off the shoulder shirt, and short jean shorts, black Uggs, and my silver necklace. "Those sweaty football players are going to be all over you." She joked.

"Shut up. Jake is going to be all over you." I said, walking over to her vanity to put on my makeup. I only put on eyeliner and black eye shadow to give my eyes a smoky look.

"Yeah, your right." Riley examined herself in her mirror. She was wearing a red halter, a tight jean skirt, red pumps, and a red chocker.

"You're so conceited." Julie laughed. She was curling her long black hair. She was wearing a purple strap-less top that reached mid thigh, black leggings, and purple suede ballet flats.  

Riley turned around and stuck her tongue out at Julie.

When we were all done we got Riley's car and drove to Johnny's house. We pulled up to a huge secluded four story house. I thought my house was big. His is like a freaking hotel!

"Well heellooo ladies." Johnny said when he opened the front door.

"Hi Johnny." I gave him a hug and walked inside. Julie and Riley followed behind. The song "OMG" by Usher and Will I Am was playing out of large speakers. I could feel the music pumping through my body. I squeezed through the crowd of people grinding. Gross. I wonder if they realize that grinding is just sex with clothes on. 

I turned around to see if Julie and Riley were behind me. Nope. I spotted Riley dancing with Jake and Julie with CJ. I turned back around and went into the kitchen.

When I walked in there was a couple making out by the counter. Yuck! They could at least get a room. I'm pretty sure that there's a lot of them that are vacant. I turned around to walk out. Emmph! I looked up to see that I had walked into a hard figure.

"Dom?" the figure said. Hey! I recognize that voice. I looked up to see it was my ex boyfriend Kyle.

"Kyle! Hey!" I pulled him into a tight hug. We broke up a while ago and we never talked. I haven't talked to him since like forever!

"Hey, how you been?" he said when I let go.

"I'm good. You?" before he could answer Johnny came in with Stacy Ferbon around his arm. She was one of the sluttiest cheerleaders. You could simply tell by her wardrobe. She was wearing a mesh shirt, and an extremely short jean skirt. All the boys there must have been really happy she was there. Especially since her bright yellow push up bra was making its début.

"You two wanna verse us in beer pong?" he said.

Kyle looked at me. "I'm up for it." He said. 

I used to play beer pong with my older cousins but I never drank the beer. I don't know. What if I get out of hand? Fuck that! It's the first party of the year! It's time to get wild! You know what they say: Carpe diem!

"I am too." We followed Johnny into his game room where the ping pong table was set up. The red plastic cups were placed on the table, standing in all their glory. I could tell we were playing a different kind of beer pong because all the cups were half full with beer instead a couple of ounces. Someone is getting drunk tonight! Kyle and me were on one side and Johnny and the blonde girl on the other.

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