The Other Side Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 


Finally it's freaking Friday! Where's Rebecca Black when you need her?

Man this week went by so fast. But it was a really good week though. Shawn and me hung out a few times after tutoring. Speaking of tutoring, Antonio actually made this week pretty...good. I mean, he was totally focused and he barely even flirted or tried to kiss me! Ok, well that's a lie. He did slip in some of his libidinous lines and he did kiss me... Only on the cheek though! I swear! Girl Scouts honor.

Although I had a couple more of those dreams about him and me. I did some further research but it was total bullshit. There's no way I could have "hidden hopes and fears" for Antonio... that's absolutely ridiculous, right? Just because we had a good week and I keep having these dreams doesn't mean anything...

But I can't believe its The Friday though. In just an hour, this house is going to be full of people. I look around to see if I left any valuables out. Nope. I rechecked all the upstairs' doors to see if they were locked. Once I'm finished I tie the key around my neck with some yarn I found lying around.

I plop down on the couch in the living room and turn on the plasma when my phone starts to ring.


"Hey, I just landed," Panna shouts. I could hear a bunch of noise in the background.

"Oh cool," I reply, now holding the phone away from my ear.

"Yeah, oh my gosh! It's so nice over here. The weather is beautiful!"

"Oh, that's nice," I say a little annoyed. After making the house "party proof" all I want to do is relax and talking to Panna is not what I had in mind.

"Oh, yeah it is so nice over here. OMG! Is that -NO- that can't be Kim Kardashian!"

"Hey Panna, do you think you can me back when you land back in Manchester?" I ask.

"OMG! Dom, I gotta go. I'm about to get Kim's autograph! Bye, love ya!"

The line goes dead. Finally!

I slouch into the chair, making lots of noise because of the plastic furniture covers. And yes, I even applied plastic covers to ALL of the furniture. You know just in case of an accident.

As soon as I'm finally relaxed, the door bell rings. Great. Let the fun begin.

I hop of the couch and head towards the foyer. I peek out the window next to the door.

"Hey girls," I say once I open the door.

"Hey," Riley piles in holding a 6 pack, Julie following behind her.

Julie follows me to the living room while Riley puts the beer in the kitchen.

"Really Dom," Riley asks when she see all the plastic covers.

"What?" I look up from the TV.

"Plastic seat covers, really?" she plops down next to Julie.

"I'd put some on to if I was having a party too. Remember last time that wasted chick puked on my mom's fav antique?" Julie says.

"Yeah, that was groody," Riley winces.

"Ew! She was beyond wasted!" I say. Her puke was a gross orange-brown color. Believe me, it was nasty.

"Ugh. Let's stop talking about it before I puke," Julie scrunches her face the way she does when her runt of a brother does something gross, like fart for example.

The Other Side: Gang Member & the Popular GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora