The Other Side Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


So maybe Miss. Goodie can get down wit me, well kinda. But who knows? If it wasn’t for the bell that little “kissy kissy” could of escalated father than I thought. I follow closely behind her to class.

When we walk into class there’s already nerds sittin down workin on some math problems. I wonder what their life is like. No panocha(a girl’s you know what). That must suck. I sit down behind Dominique. The bell rings and the bald teacher starts writing on the board. He turns and says “Start these problems.” I think I noticed some spit fly out his mouth. Ew. He looks so old he could be my bisabuelo (great grandpa). He should try and not talk with his mouth so wide open before his dentures fly out. I don’t even bother to look at the board. It not like I’m gunna even understand this shit. I didn’t even understand algebra 2. How the hell am I gunna understand fucking Trig? So instead of beating my brain wit these dumb hard problems, I spend the whole period tryin to figure out how I can make the bruise on my beautiful face go away faster.

The bell rings and we walk to the next class. Only 45 more minutes and I’m outta this hell hole.

When the last bell rings, I meet up with Felix and head for the bus stop.

“So, ah, how was your day following that big piece of cake all day?” Felix asks while waiting for the bus.

I snicker, “Good. I actually got a piece of that cake today.”

“For reals? From what I saw earlier in the hall it looked like you couldn’t even an inch close to her before she’d smack you.” He laughed.

“Psh, well she didn’t smack me when I gave her a beso(kiss) after lunch.” I say while watching the transit bus pull up.

“Maybe she didn’t cause she felt sorry for your bruised ass.” Before Felix got within inches of poking my bruise I punched him in the stomach. He kneeled over clutching his stomach as I got on the bus. I take a seat in the back.

“Damn primo. Control your anger. It’s called a joke.” Felix says when he gets to the back of the bus still clutching his stomach. I knew he was joking though. I didn’t punch him that hard and plus if I really punched him, like I did to that pendejo(asshole) last night, he’d be able to take it. Felix was one of the strongest guys in the gang, well in our rank. He could take any punch and still walk away without a bruise. And he could sure give a hell of a punch. Last summer he K.O.ed some culo(ass) from the gang B.O.R for messin wit one of our girls. That kid got his ass whooped and handed to him.

“So, you tryin to get wit her too?” Felix asks. Good question. One guy could never have too many girls. I got Frankie and a couple newbies in the crew. I don’t got as many as Enrique. He got chicas after chicas. He’s such a great role model.

“Positive. Why? You wanna piece of her too?” I rest my head on the headrest of the seat.

“Hm, well she is muy bonita.” Felix says.

“Hah, well sorry primo, I got dibs on her.” I confirm.

“Like she’ll even let you hook up with her. She’s too much of a saint to be with you.” He says. Felix isn’t a querido (lover) like me. He only had one girl in his life, who left him when he joined the gang. He was even thinking about quitting for her. When he told me that I thought he was loco. How could he quit on his familia?

“Yes but who’s the one who kissed her?” I tease.

“Whatever. Your just gunna have her around just until you get into her chones (women’s underwear).” Felix breathes a laugh and shakes his head.

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