The Other Side Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


“Hola, mijo.” Mamá says when I walk into the kitchen. She was rushing to get ready for work. “How was school?” she asks. I sit down in the kitchen. Gabe is across the room in the “living room” watching some kiddie shit.

“Ight, I guess.” I say. She gives me a look.

“You didn’t get into trouble did you?” she stops packing her bag.

“Of course not.” I assure her. She gets her coat on.

“Good. Antonio you know the drill: food, homework, bedtime 8.” She goes over my chore list for taking care of Gabe. “Oh, and make sure Izzy finishes her homework before anything else, kay mijo.” She kisses me on the cheek and rushes out the door.

I get up and sit on the couch next to him. We sit watching Elmo for a while until my estomago (stomach) starts to growl.

"Gabe, que quieres comer? (What do you want to eat)" I say in Spanish. I usually talk to him in Spanish so he can pick up his native language. Ain't no way my lil hermano is going to grow up not knowing his language.

A grin spread across his face as he thought. 
"Hmm...I want...PANCAKES!"

"For dinner?"


"Ok lil man, but only if you say it in Spanish."

"Um......Yo qurro,"

"Quiero," I corrected. 

"Yo quiero...pan...pan...panqueques para la cena!(I want pancakes for dinner)" he jumped up from the couch.

"Ok, panqueques para la cena!" I shout.

I'm not an expert at cookin, fuck I wouldn't want to be caught dead cookin, but I can hands down say I make the best panqueques on the fuckin block. 

"Eat up lil man." I say setting a plate of pancakes in front of him. His eyes bulged with excitement. 

I sit down and started grubbing down a plate of my own. I was in the middle of a bit when my phone started vibrating on the table. I walk over to pick it up. 

"Hey Papacito (Babe)." 

"Hey," I say back. It was Frankie.

"I'm kinda lonely...wanna come over and finish what we started earlier?” she says in a seductive tone.


“Think about it. You, Me, and an empty house for the whole night,” She lets out a flirtatious laugh, “Sounds like a good time to me.” Booty call? How could I not accept?

Damn, she knows how to drag a vato (guy/dude) in.

“Sounds like a date to me.” I say.

“Good,” I could tell she was smiling, “Don’t have me waiting,” she says before hanging up. Talk about feisty.

“Was that mama?” Gabe asks with his mouth full.

“Nah, lil man.” I snicker. I sit back down and finish up my pancakes.  

I wash the plates after and wait for Izzy to come home from soccer practice. An hour later me and Gabe are sittin in the den watching Spongebob when Izzy walks through the door.

“Welcome home sis,” I say not turning away from the tv.

The Other Side: Gang Member & the Popular GirlМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя