The Other Side Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 


Saturday morning came like a swift breeze. I lay awake in bed holding on to Bear until my alarm starts to go off. I lazily get out of bed and change into shorts and a tank, grab my Ipod and head out for a jog.

Once I get in from my mile jog I peel of my sweaty clothes and hop in the shower. I quickly do my makeup and pick out my outfit before I head out to Antonio's.

You know, it's actually kind of surprising he'd actually want to come with me to volunteering. I mean that's the last thing I thought he'd want to do. Like seriously, volunteer? A big, buff, tough guy like him (well he's not that tough, he just looks it). I guess he's trying to better his life?

I'm half way out of my neighborhood when I spot that silver Phantom in my rearview mirror. I've seen that car like over 30 times in the past few days. I don't know; it's really freaking me out. I want to tell Panna but I could just be overreacting. Maybe someone new moved into the neighborhood or something and goes pretty much where ever I go...creepy. Can I really have a stalker? I mean I'm really flatter because quite frankly if anyone is so interested in my life to stalk me, I'd consider it a complement. I am, I guess what you would say, in the "in" crowd but whatever.

I constantly check my mirror, keeping a watchful eye on the Phantom, all the way to Antonio's. Turning down his street I watch as the Phantom continues straight.

I park in Antonio's driveway and ring the doorbell. The door opens and Izzy is standing behind it with her usual pissed look. I've pretty much have gotten used to it so it doesn't bother me.

"He's in his room," she says dully.

"Oh, ok," I smile.

She closes the door behind me as I walk through their den. When Gabe sees me he hops off the couch and runs over to give me a hug.

"Dominique!" he squeals. I honestly wish I could just pick him up and put him in my bag. He is the cutest little kid ever! "Come play with me in my room!" he says pulling me towards his door. I looked towards Antonio's door, which is shut.  

Well, since he's not ready, I guess I can play for a little. I mean, I wouldn't want to be rude and just barge in on him.  

I let Gabe pull me into his room. It's quite small, really not what I expected. His room is literally the size of my bathroom! But then again, my bathroom is slightly bigger than the average, but still! 

I carefully dodge the many toys that decorate the wooden floor.

"This is my favorite," he grins as he holds up an action. I think it's one of the Fantastic Four guys. "I wanna be big and strong just like him!" he jumps.

"Eat your veggies and you sure will buddy," I pat his head.

"And get good grades so you'll be smart too. You can't be like Mr. Fantastic if you're not smart."

I turn around to see Antonio standing with his arms crossed in the doorway. His biceps are bulging from the sleeves of his shirt.

"Oh, I, um, didn't want to bother you when I came in because your door was closed and uh," I babble, "Um, you ready?"

"Sí, Chiquita," He smirks.

"But Dominique," Gabe grabs hold of my hand.

"We'll be back later, okay. Then I will come and play with you. How does that sound?" I poke his nose.

"Ok," he smiles bashfully.

I follow Antonio towards the door.

"Iz, watch Gabe for a while until ma wakes up," He orders as he opens the door.

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