The Other Side Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


“Your tutoring who?!” Julie almost spits out her water.

I point across the cafeteria to the table Antonio was sitting at with his groupies.

“Babe, how did this happen?” Riley asks with a worried look on her face. I was in the middle of explaining the situation when I notice Antonio get up from his table. I wonder where he’s going.

“Damn that sucks. You just had to be a genius didn’t you?” Julie says.

“It’s not fair! Why could I get someone like...,” I look around the cafeteria, “Someone like Kerston Herlins? I bet she’s failing.” I say before biting into my apple.

“Ew, Kerston? You’d rather have Kerston than Antonio?” Riley makes a grossed out face.

“I’d rather have a druggy than a gang member any day.” I say.

“Well, if he ever and I mean ever tries to pull any of his gang shit on you, he’s dead.” Riley says with a serious face.

“Trust me, I won’t let that happen.” I say.

“Just be careful because you don’t know what he’s capable of.” Julie warns.

She’s right. One study session could turn into... well into something else. I mean, what if he tries to take advantage of me or even rape me. But then again, he had the perfect chance to when I was wasted so that’d be stupid to try when I’m sober.

Its 10 minutes before lunch ends and Antonio still hasn’t come back. Where is he? If he makes me late to class again, ugh, I’m going to be so pissed. I say bye to Riley and Julie. I can’t believe I’m about to go around school and find this stupid guy.

I’ve checked basically the whole school until I reached a secluded area that enters towards the south-side stairs. Is that... moaning I hear? I walk over to area and peer through the door’s window. Ew! I see a girl with her leg wrapped around a guy. A guy who looks exactly like Antonio. I can’t believe I’m about to do this, but I am not going to be late for class again. I open the door and walk in front of them and clear my throat. “Um, excuse me.” I say trying to sound bold, but I sound more like a suffering cat. When they stop busting slob, I start to regret doing this.

“Excuse me?” the girl says with attitude. She looks me up and down. I think she’s the girl Antonio made out with on the first day of school. I’m not sure, but she fit the role. She was wearing a super tight tank top that showed WAY too much boobage and ended right above her pierced belly button. I’m not even sure you could call that a shirt. She was also wearing spandex tight jeans with rips all over them.

I avoided looking at her. I look at Antonio. “Um, class starts in like 5 minutes.” I say.

“Well then leave.” The girl says. Her attitude is really pissing me off, but I’m not the type to start a fight.

Antonio pulls the girl into a tight embrace. “Shh, Frankie. We’ll finish this later.” He says with his eyes on me the whole time. I look away because he stare was really uncomfortable. He whispers something else in her ear and she lets out a giggle. When she turns back around to leave she gives me a dirty look.

Frankie bumps into me before she leaves.

“What is her problem?” I say, blocking his way through the door.

“What’s whose problem?” he says walking towards me. Before I know it, he grabs me by my waist and pulls me into him.

“Whoa! Weren’t you just kissing your girlfriend?” I push away from him. He is such a man whore!

“Frankie? Nah, she ain’t my girl.” He smirks like making out with a girl who’s not even your girlfriend in a dark stairway is something to be proud about. I give him a disgusted look.

“Can you fix yourself be for the bell rings?” I say looking him up and down. His shirt was a twisted and his pants were unbuttoned. His hair was also messy. I watch as he fixes his shirt and starts to struggle with the zipper on his jeans.

“I need help.” He says giving me a puppy dog pout.

“I am not helping you,” I look down to the zipper, “down there.”

He lets out an exasperated sigh and tries again and it slides up with ease.

“You might want to fix up your hair too while you’re at it.” I suggest. He tries to use the window in the door as a mirror.

“Ugh,” he says getting frustrated, “Can please help me?” he begs. I check my watch. 2 minutes before the early bell.

“Fine.” I finger-combed his hair into his usual faux-hawk style. I’m almost finished when he grabs both of my wrists. “Hey! I need to use my hands if you want me to fix your hair.” I say. I look down into his eyes. He’s face is serious. It’s weird cause he always has that annoying cocky smirk on his face.

“Um, Hello?” I say. I try to pull my wrist from his grasp but he has a tight hold on them. I stop the urge to free myself. He stares intensely into my eyes. It was like he put me under a trance or something because it was like I was frozen still. What’s going on? He brings my hands to his shoulders and inches closer to my face. His breath warms my face. His lips are centimeters away when I realize what he’s about to do. Why am I just standing here? Move Dominique! Push him away! Do something! My eyes slowly begin to shut. No! No! No! Push him away! His lips brush against mine a few times before he finally goes in for the kill. Ahh! Why am I letting him do this? What’s wrong with me? He begins to softly nibble on my lower lip. OMFG! This can’t be happening! Make it STOP! Before he could go any further the bell rings and I jump, bringing me back into possessing the movement in my body. I quickly push him away as hard as I can. He has a confused look when he stubbles back but recovers with his signature smirk.

“Damn bell. I was hoping for a little tongue.” He snickers.

Anger builds up with in me. I can not believe he just did that and I can not believe I just let him! I am so embarrassed. I can’t believe this! Ugh. I’m definitely scrubbing my mouth with soap later. But for now I just have to play this off like it didn’t happen. I take in a deep breath and clear my throat. I try and ignore the buzzing noise of people in the hallway. I turn on my heel and enter into the madness of the crowded hallway. I turn my head to see Antonio following closely behind.

I take out my new schedule from my bag. Only 2 more periods and a 1 hour study session and he’ll be out of my sight...until tomorrow.

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