Hard To Be Around .28

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We end up out in Minnesota for a game and the Blackhawk's had a lot of the wives and girlfriends come out too. They were doing a fundraiser with the Wild wives and significant others to help raise money for childhood cancer. No matter who we root for everyone can agree on working together to fight cancer. And the NHL does a lot with research and funding. This gave the women a opportunity to hang out and for it all to go to a good cause.

"Where's your girlfriend" Seabrook asks.

"I have a girlfrind" I question.

"Come on" Kiley begs. "Where is Valerie?"

I let out a long sigh as I shake my head. The ones I'm closer with like Jonny and Brent know more about Val. Ask where she is when we have events like this. But most don't go looking for her.  "We're just friends. Like I said a million times before it is better this way. So she's at work helping people out in her own way and we are here" I explain.

"Why don't you get a actual girlfriend if you guys aren't going to work out" Duncan asks.

"Don't need one" I try.

"Come one. These events can't be any fun for you all by yourself" his girlfriend Alex says.

"I would rather be alone and true than with someone I truly don't care for" I insist.

"That's why you and Val aren't together" Kiley asks. At least I know Jon isn't out here telling everyone we're in love like he accuses me of every single time I see him.

"No, that's not why" I shake my head. I wish it was that simple.

"Is it because she's hard to talk to" Corey's girlfriend Kristy says.

The whole place falls silent as I turn to her. Now these functions are for a good cause, but I'm not afraid to cause a scene here. Valerie has only hung around these people a handful of times and she's always seemed to have a good time. Maybe not the life of the party but certainly wasn't making things hard either. And I don't want to make it so these people wouldn't like her but I was also not going to sit by and let people say things like this. I know for a fact that if she was here she wouldn't have said that. But everyone loves to talk when people aren't in the room.

"What was that" I ask.

"I'm not saying she's not fun but she's kind of brings everyone's moods down. It's hard to hold a conversation with someone who has nothing to say. You can't deny that. Doesn't really know much and doesn't know what to contribute it's to conversations. It's almost like she doesn't even know how to communicate with people and she's almost 30. That's a little weird" she claims.

"Because she can't talk shit behind peoples backs just to make a conversation she's lesser? Going on about famous people who have nothing to do with us. Am I supposed to act like she's the weird one for not wanting to shove her opinion down everyone's throat like everyone else does? She actually knows more than you imagine but never care to ask because it doesn't interest you. You guys sit here and gossip, make up things and spread information you know not to be true just to pass the time. I'm sorry but I fail to see how Valerie is the weird one in this situation" I defend.

"Patrick calm down" Duncan says.

"I won't! She's not here to defend herself so I'll do it for her. Because she has worked way too hard to be perceived as some lowly life form who doesn't know about people. I promise she understands every single one of you. Can see through every front you put on. She's worked her ass off for every single thing she had ever had. And I promise you that you would be lucky enough for her to voice her ideas to you. She might not say much and it might come across wrong but what she says is everything that needs to be said.

All she has known is people being ugly to her. Even coming here to hang out with you guys scared her because she's never been a part of something like this. Why would I invite her to something I know would make her uncomfortable? I would love for her to be here but not at the risk of people saying stuff like this simply because they refuse to make a effort to understand her. So maybe she doesn't fit into whatever mold it is you guys think she should be in but she is exactly who she is meant to be. For the first time she has someone who will stick up for her and that's exactly what I'll do" I argue.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing that she's weird. We're all a little weird. It just... changes our dynamic" she tries.

"And I don't think that's such a bad thing. We all sit here sipping expensive wine laughing at others less fortunate. Think about how good we have it and how all we have to do is lift a finger and people celebrate us. Most of us had a silver spoon in our mouth the moment we were born. Then there are people like her at work right now, doing everything that they can to help those around them. Even when they have nothing they give everything. The clothes off their backs. Their last dime. Time and time and again they give even when there is nothing left. And we have the nerve to make back handed comments when they're not around" I ask.

"Don't act so high and mighty. Let's not forget the wrongs you've done" she challenges.

"The difference is that I can admit I was wrong. I know that the way I thought was incorrect. I see it now. But I also know that the one who is indifferent is just as guilty as the people who are wrong. It takes a lot to change but there's always something little you can do until it adds up" I defend.

"So what? She's too good for us" she asks.

"That's not what I said. All I'm saying is she is not deserving to be talked about like a piece of crap when she's not around. That's low. Just because she's different it doesn't mean that's anything bad. We all need a little different. We've been at the top for so long... we didn't even see the space we put between us and the rest of the world. Just because she doesn't see that space doesn't mean she doesn't respect us. And she doesn't think herself higher than anyone, not even those she despises. She wants to do whats best for everyone without having to lose herself in the process" I explain.

"I think we just need a moment to cool off" Jonathan says as he places his hand on my shoulder.

He pulls me to the back before letting out a sigh.

"Patrick" he starts.

"I'm not apologizing. Can you look me in the eyes and tell me if she said that about Kiley you would just take it" I ask.

"Of course not" he scoffs.

"All I want to do, is protect her. In the best way that I can. Her whole life she let people talk, she tries to ignore them. But they're wrong about her and I want them to know what" I insist.

"That's fine but you can't go starting arguments" he says. 

"Why not? You do every day" I say.

"I'm just being a pain in the ass. You are starting something that might make it even harder for Valerie to fit in. I know most people adore that girl and everyone respects her. But not everyone will like her that's how it goes" he explains.

"Knowing her she probably likes it better that way" I shake my head. "But I'll continue to defend her, for as long as I need to."

"As you should" he nods.

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