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The next couple of days, Cordelia had been stuck at the Lab. Tested, experimented, anything to make her sickness go away faster.

Her sickness has now grown apart of her more since she's feeling weaker by the day and her skin starts decaying a bit. The darkness scratched and torn pieces of skin hidden under long sleeve shirts and sweaters every single day.

Stuck in this place with the deafening silence that Cordelia had fought to escape. She missed him. Henry. Imagining his little smile in her head, the door lock clicked opened for Cordelia to see her own father.

"Follow me, little one." Martin Brenner had said as he held his daughter's hand as they walked towards the same old room where she'd get tested and checked on.

The blonde haired girl was actually looking a bit better. Skin still pale but not as it was a few days ago.

"Now Cordelia, please don't fight me. This syringe has a chemical inside to heal you."

"Why do you want to heal me, Dad? After everything you've put me through? After everything I became? After what happened in New York? After me, your own daughter slowly becoming your little monster? So why, why do you want to heal me?" Cordelia blurted out which caused her father to be taken back by her statement. Even the orderlies were shocked by her saying this but proceeded to stay emotionless.

"Because... Cordelia... it is what's meant to be. You're my daughter and will do as I say! And if you're not healed you could have another incident or die! SO WHICH IS IT, CORDELIA?!"

Cordelia looked down as her father spit in her face with these words. What ever happened to what father-daughter relationship they used to have?

Brenner looked at the orderly behind Cordelia's chair and nods as the orderly got the syringe to try and inject in Cordelia's arm but something unexpected happens.

The lights go out as Cordelia growled. Screams could be heard throughout the room and the hallways. Tortured and hurt screams. Flesh tearing and voices slowly fading away.

The lights turned back on as Cordelia stood behind her father, breathing heavily with her fingers sharp like a monster's hand. Blood covered the girl from head to toe.

Nobody knows how this came to be, how this was done. Dead bodies surrounded the room and the hallways. Dr. Martin Brenner looked at his daughter seeing this great monstrosity from her.

"I'd rather die than to have more chemicals be injected inside of me." Cordelia spit out with utter hate as she wiped her nose which was bleeding, only to get held back by a surviving orderly who injected the chemical into Cordelia's neck.

The heart aching, painful screams of Cordelia was heard as the lights flickered repeatedly until she'd been taken unconscious.

"This is for the better, little one." Brenner said as he picked up his daughter and put her in his car and drove home.


As the car pulled into the driveway, the young dirty blonde haired boy across the street stood up from the porch step over to the Brenner House.

"Mr. Brenner, sir! Where- WHAT HAPPENED TO CORDELIA?!" Henry worriedly exclaimed as the wind started catching up suddenly.

"She's fine. She was sick so I had to take her to my Lab to make sure she'll be alright. She has this thing... a sickness that was bad for her- but I promise you, son... Cordelia is going to be better than ever." Martin Brenner smiled as he picked up his daughter and brought her inside the house.

Henry stood looking at the ground unable to process why Cordelia hasn't told him that she was sick. Brenner stopped and thought how close the two kids bond were.

"Henry. You may come inside if you'd like." Martin Brenner said which caused Henry to rush inside with the look of a clumsy and worried puppy.

Henry took a whole 360 looking at the house around him. It was normal and nice but to Henry, it had an uneasy aura set inside of it. Something was different and off.

"So, Henry... how have you and your family been?" Martin Brenner said as he poured a cup of water in a glass. Henry almost choked on air as things have been different the past couple days.

Flashbacks of him capturing a spider to admire every day, the flashbacks of him holding his arm out in front a rabbit and killed it, the flashbacks of the grandfather clock, and the flashbacks of himself growing powerful each day.

"Everything has been good, sir-"

"Please, call me Martin."

Henry looked up at the man who smiled down at him as he brought some chocolates and the glass of water towards Cordelia's bedroom.

Henry looked at the girl laying in her bed sleeping. Her skin was pale and dark circles were under her eyes. Is that blood on her shirt?

"I know you care for Cordelia. It's okay, just can I give you some advice, Henry." The dirty blonde haired boy looked up at Martin Brenner listening to what he was to say.

"Cordelia has been through a lot. Things you couldn't comprehend. She's also lost... just please. Don't hurt her, she means so much to me and I can't see her get broken again."

Henry nodded as he sat beside Cordelia's bed holding her hand. Martin Brenner sighed and was about to walk out but Henry called for him.

"Sir- Martin... I promise. I won't ever hurt her. She's too precious and sweet for us- even this whole world. I will always protect her and give her everything."

Martin smiled as he closed the bedroom door. Henry looked back at Cordelia who just laid there. He rubbed his thumb on Cordelia's hand and kissed it.

He put Cordelia's hand down only to notice something. Black ink. The numbers 000 written on her left wrist. Henry was shocked by this as the lights flickered in the room for a little till it turned normal.

Blood ran down Cordelia's nose as Henry got a tissue and wiped it. Henry was in shock as his mind wandered and the only thing he could do was run back to his home.

All was to be revealed soon. Days counting and counting by like we have no idea what the next day will bring. Someone could be born, someone could die, we don't know the possibilities of what's to occur next.

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