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The next day caused something to stir inside of Cordelia. The flashbacks and screams from the night before pierced her skull, wanting to shatter her. That pain being brought back, that pain she tried so hard to forget.

Her eyes glowed red as soon as she woke up. Looking all around her as if everything was too of the color red. She placed her feet down on the ice cold floor, stepping in front of her mirror.

"You're okay. Just breathe. In... and out. In... and out." Cordelia closed her eyes as Henry's voice was heard in her mind from the memory of last time. His voice always soothed her, protected her whole soul from anything.

The voice of Henry was what brought her back to normal as she opened her eyes to see her normal eye color. Brown. Henry loved the color of her eyes.

He always thought that her eyes weren't a boring color, brown was a unique color. The color of chocolate chips. Looking in her eyes, Henry hs always felt soon at comfort. How the light brought out her magnificent brown eyes.

Cordelia exhaled a shaky breath as she put on a fake smile and made her way towards the Rainbow Room.

Once she entered, Cordelia- or perhaps by her known name here, 000, saw 011 struggling with a game. The goal of this game was to get your token into the number you choose. With the help of powers of course.

Cordelia knew how it felt to be able to hold so much power, but still feel weak and helpless with it too. Seeing 011 struggling, brought her back to her little self where she too struggled with holding that kind of power.

The blonde haired young woman was pulled to reality as fingers brushed her arm and she instantly knew who it was. Her favorite person, Henry.

"What number are you aiming for?" Henry questioned as 011 looked over to see both Henry and Cordelia.

"Three." 011 hesitated to respond. Cordelia plopped herself down to the floor, folding her hands in her lap next to 011.

"You know, sometimes it's helpful to take a step away for a moment. Let the mind clear." Henry said, sitting down next to 011. Cordelia smiled at Henry's words since this is what he always told her when she wasn't doing alright.

011 ignored Henry's words as she got another red token and tried using her powers to get it to number three. She sighed in frustration as Cordelia rubbed 011's back.

"You know... you remind me of someone. Someone I used to know, as well as 000 here used to know." Henry stated as he glanced over at Cordelia with a smile.

Henry took the token out of 011's hand as he placed it in one of the game slots. One.

"One?" 011 questioned as she looked at both Cordelia and Henry. "But Papa said he doesn't-"

"Exist? I know." Henry stated, looking up at the camera.

"Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes... Papa doesn't tell the truth." 011 exhaled shakily as Cordelia rubbed 011's back to calm her down.

"Corde- 000 and I spent years with 001. Right here. In this very room." Henry looked away, feeling the memories of this place flash in his head as he tries so hard to forget the nightmare, forget the pain.

"Where is he?"

"We can save that story for another day. I'm afraid it doesn't have a happy ending." Henry said, exhaling a bit shakily.

"He was a lot like you, ya know. Everything was hard for him. I know because... he used to be my best friend. I could tell that he was hurting, but he always tried to hide it. When he came here, it was like something had changed." 000 explained to 011 as Henry looked over at Cordelia, slightly smiling.

"And I told him what was different... and he said he figured everything out. He had found a strength in a memory from his past—"

"And that memory was something that made him sad, but also angry. Do you, eleven, maybe have a memory like that?" Henry cut Cordelia off as a sign that he has got this under control. The talking of his past always hurt him, just like it does with Cordelia.

"Do you remember that day a strange woman came to see you? That would've been when Eight was still here." 000 told Eleven.

"The woman was calling a name to you. That woman was your mother." 000 said, feeling bad for Eleven.

"Mama is dead. She died making me." Eleven fought.

"And who told you that?" Henry spoke up as he lifted his eyebrow.

"Papa... who doesn't always tell the truth." Eleven said with sudden realization as Henry and Cordelia were almost caught off guard by the girl's next words.

"Why do you tell me all of this when I don't even know your names? The both of you."

Henry was trying to respond, but Cordelia responded at a more quicker approach. "In this place, I'm known as 000, but I know I can trust you with this... my real name is Cordelia, Cordelia Brenner."

"Cordelia... that's a pretty name." Eleven said, causing the long blonde haired young woman smiled to herself.

"And you?" Eleven pointed at Henry.

"I'm Peter Ballard— but listen, Eleven, this place... and the people here... are not what you think." Henry said as the doors opened to reveal none other than Dr. Brenner, or more commonly known to Cordelia, The Asshat.

"Good morning, children!" Asshat announced as the kids responded with their usual mannerly attitude while he eyed the Golden Trio aka 000, Peter, and Eleven.

"I have something very special planned for today. Now follow me." Dr. Brenner announced as the children followed him as Cordelia opened the door.

Cordelia was the last to leave as she still held the door open and waved at Henry. He smiled as he had his arms behind his back, his blonde hair as perfect as always along with his usual orderly-like uniform.

"Try not to snap everyone's neck in this special activity!" Henry smiled, looking down at the floor.

"I'll try not to but bonus points if I make Brenner furious!" Cordelia laughed as strands of her long blonde hair fell in her face.

"You better go, don't want you to get in trouble."

"What are you talking about? I am trouble." Cordelia said as she closed the door.

"Trouble is one reason why I'm so in love with you..." Henry lowly whispered as the door quickly swung open again.

"Shit, sorry did you say something?" Cordelia asked as she held the door open with one hand.

"Uh I- no. It was nothing... just talking to myself. Ya know..." Henry tried to contain his feelings as Cordelia hummed with a small wave as the door closed with a metal creak.

Henry stood in the middle of the Rainbow room as numerous of thoughts flooded his mind.

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