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"Good morning, children."

"Good morning, Papa." All the children in the Lab said in sync for the millionth time, standing against the cold grey walls of the training room.

Henry kept glancing at Cordelia who stood next to him, hiding her pain from the torturous night she had. But she didn't care for any of it, until this morning as she saw the sight of the electric collar marks on her neck as she got a white long sleeve turtleneck shirt to wear with her usual white pants.

All she cared was trying to find a way out of here; trying to find a way home—home to Henry, confess her love to him... and that's all Henry wants too.

"Today's lesson is going to be about rules..."Dr. Brenner announced, causing Cordelia to roll her eyes with a deep sigh.

"Talk to me, darling." Cordelia heard the voice that brings her back to reality, she flinched as she felt Henry brush his fingers against her arm.

"I'm fine." Cordelia repeated back to Henry as she only had her mind focused on Henry's—to hear his words.

"Stop it. I know you're not fine, Cordelia. I've known you since the age of twelve, I know when you're happy, depressed, anxious, etc. A-and I know for a fact that no matter what happened to us... I will always lo-"

"Last night your sister Eleven had suffered a concussion during her alone time in the Rainbow Room." Henry and Cordelia turned their gaze towards Eleven who was stepped forward, looking scared and anxious.

Henry brushed his fingers against Cordelia's arm again as a sign that he's right here.

"What were you gonna say-"

"Nothing, now let's focus on our job as orderlies. Hm." Henry hummed with a bit of a irritable tone in Cordelia's mind as she scooted a little bit away from him. This caught his attention as Henry internally slapped himself.

"Maybe she fell. She's clumsy, stupid." 002 said which turned Cordelia's gaze to a threatening look at 002. Her jaw clenched as Henry saw this.

"Eleven, you may step back. Two, step forward as well as 000." Dr. Martin Brenner said as he looked at his own daughter.

"Collar him."

An orderly put the electric shock collar on 002 as Cordelia snapped her head at her father as she answered one thing. "No."


"I said no. Do you want to hear it in Spanish?!" The lights flickered once as she felt everyone's fear.

"000... Cordelia, little one. Look I know things haven't been great lately and I'm sorry for that. But look you can release that now. I know you and Eleven- as well as Peter have a connection. I don't like that with Peter but with you I understand. I also know there's possible issues with Peter, right?"

Dr. Brenner whispered to his daughter as she kept eye contact with her father. "What do you even know, Dad. You don't know anything and how could you when you can't even care about your own daughter!" Cordelia yelled as 002 snickered to himself.

"What was that?" Cordelia stepped forward in front of 002.

"What was what?"

"What did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything-" Cordelia's eyes turned red as 002 gulped. He puffed up to show power.

"What. Did. You. SAY?!" Cordelia yelled as her voice echoed demonically. Everyone stood away, backing towards the wall to somewhat help them be safe.

"I said you're father cares more about us than you, his own daughter." With these words, Cordelia flicked her hand as electricity shocked 002's neck.

Henry flinched as he internally remembered the pain of this collar from his younger age. He wanted to stop her—stop Cordelia from doing this but he couldn't. His trauma was trying to get to him but he knew that Cordelia needed to let her emotions out...but this was something he would never have thought she'd do.

Dr. Brenner had a slight smirk on his face as he watched his own daughter torture 002. He was frightened, but astonished by Cordelia's great power. But with all of this, he also had a bad feeling in his heart. He knows he made her into this monster, but he continued to torture her all these years without hesitation. He knows he chose power over love as well as his own daughter...and that's why he's so frightened.

002 collapsed on the ground in shock as he whimpers and groans. His eyes flickered up to Cordelia who smirked.

"Say anything like that again and I will not show mercy next time." Cordelia said as she twisted her hand into a fist as her red energy caused 002 to go unconscious.

Cordelia's eyes turned back to her original chocolate brown eyes as she realized what she'd done. Her breath hitched as she looked around the room seeing everybody's faces... seeing Henry's face. Hurt, fear... he was frightened and that scared her.

Tears formed in her eyes as she ran off out the training room standing in the middle of the hallway. Her breathing heavily as she could feel her body shaking.

"Cordelia!" She turned around hearing her name as it was the last person she'd want to see at this moment... Henry.

"Leave me alone."


"Henry, please."


"WHAT?! WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT?!" Cordelia turned around as Henry's heart broke seeing the tears and hurt on her face. Hearing some voices, Henry grabbed Cordelia's hand and brought her to his room, locking the door.

"Henry-" Cordelia was cut off by the warmth scent of coffee and cigarettes. Henry wrapped his arms around Cordelia, taking in her flowery vanilla scent as she buried her face in his shirt, letting her tears out.

"It's okay, let it all out. I'm here and will always be here for you, love." Henry softly said as Cordelia gripped Henry's shirt while he hears her muffled sobs.

Henry brings Cordelia over to his bed as they never left each other. Arms still wrapped around one another, scared that they'll lose each other.

"When I wake up, I'm afraid. I'm afraid that somebody else might take my place... that somebody being the monster inside of me that's been waiting to escape."

Henry's heart breaks once again, but even worse hearing these words lift off Cordelia's tongue. He caressed Cordelia's silky long blonde hair as she rested her head upon Henry's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"I understand and I'm so sorry, Cordelia. You don't deserve any of this and if I could take all that pain and suffering away I would. But we can't change anything... all that matters is what's happening right now. And whatever you decide to do, I will join you without any hesitation because I- you know what never mind."

Cordelia looked up into Henry's blue eyes with her eyebrows furrowed. "Never mind what? And don't deny anything because I will enter your mind and find out myself-"

Cordelia was cut off by Henry's lips smashing on her own. The coffee and cigarette aroma and taste made her feel at ease and comfort as she kissed back.

"I love you... I always have." Henry said as they pulled away, brushing his golden locks in an anxious way in which Cordelia grabbed his hand and held it to her chest with a smile.

"Believe it or not, I love you too... dipshit."

They both laughed as they stared into each others eyes before smashing their lips on one another again. Hands running through each other's hair, kisses and warmth radiating off the two.

Panting, sweat, sounds of love and excitement filled the room. Clothes spread over the floor and sheets getting wrinkled. Marks covering each other with every kiss and bites.

There was barely any space between Henry and Cordelia. The space that was always forced to separate the two finally closed now. In this moment, Henry and Cordelia showed their love and all for each other... Nothing was going to stop them.

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