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November 22, 1972. Cordelia Brenner. Officially at the age of seventeen. Asleep in a coma for five years. The blonde haired girl looked around her to see herself in her small bedroom in Hawkins Lab.

She took the needle out of her arm and all the tubes that were attached to her. She weakly got up as she reached for the door handle.

The click of the door unlocked as she turned the door handle to see the normal white floors and walls. But now there's numbers on the doors.

002, 003, 004, 005... and the numbers keep going on and on till there were twenty rooms in the hallway. Name a room a number... that's weird.

The girl turned go the last door in the hallway. Across from hers farther down. 001.

The girl knocked to see if there was anything. She opened the door but there was nobody. The whole room was neat and clean. Something caught her eye as she heard a noise down the hallway.

Cordelia ignored whatever caught her eye as she followed wherever the sound of what or who was in the hallway.

The brown eyes girl heard the sound of huge doors opened as she saw a little glimpse to the room. Rainbows were one of the glimpses she had seen.

Cordelia heard a faint voice, the voice of her father. Martin Brenner. All the memories rushed inside her brain after the years of her in a coma. She was unaware of it all, like the events of Spring 1967.

The girl didn't know what was best to do so she pushed open the huge metal doors in front of her.

There were some kids. They looked to be toddlers. But the unusual thing is that these toddlers were different. Different as in the superpower way.

One toddler sent a chess piece flying towards Cordelia. She held her hand up as her fingers flicked to stop the chess piece mid-air.

"Hmm. A Queen." The blonde haired girl uttered as the red energy flow causing the chess piece to stop, fell straight into her hand. Cordelia walked over to the toddler and squatted down.

"Thank you for giving me the Queen. It makes me feel more like a Queen myself." Cordelia said as she held the toddles hand out to put the small chess piece in the toddler's hand.

But what shocked her wasn't the toddler giving the Queen over to her with their mind. What shocked her was the fact that the toddler had a number tattooed on their arm. Just like she had. 002.

The brown eyed girl who was once in a coma stood up and looked over to her left. Her father stood there in his usual suit but with bits of gray hair now.

"Old geezer." Cordelia said in her mind as someone to her right chuckled. As she glanced over to see who chuckled, the girl's breathing hitched.

"Cordelia I-" There was a boy who looked around the age of seventeen possibly. Dirty blonde hair that seemed to be shaved into a buzz cut. His hair seemed to grown more than others. But what caught her were the piercing blue eyes that she once knew. It was the boy, her boy- or who she once thought was the boy she knew.

"Her name is 000. Like yours is 001. Yes?" Martin Brenner said glaring at the boy who simply rolled his eyes.

"000. Cordelia. My daughter. Y-you're here!" Martin Brenner said with tears holding back. He whispered his daughter's real name so to not expose it to everyone else.

"It's not like these toddlers will know shit yet." Cordelia- or 000 said in her mind which caused 001 to snort.

000 turned her gaze back to the boy as she walked closer to him. She stood in front of him seeing the boy who understood her. 001 smiled down at 000. He got taller.

001 was about to say something but got slapped by 000. "Asshole." Cordelia said as she remembered everything he did to his family when she looked for him in the Void.

"And don't get me started on you, Dad. You were the one that made me this. This monster. And for you to do this whole same process on these poor kids is complete bullshit."

The room started shaking as her eyed glowed dark red. Martin Brenner alerted his orderlies to take her. The toddlers were screaming from the lights flickering and sounds of alarms.

The doors opened to reveal about five orderlies. 000 turned around to see them as she tilted her head up which sent two of the orderlies to appear mid-air struggling to breathe and move as their whole body dripped of blood until there was nothing left of them.

The bodies fell to the floor as the next two orderlies brought out tasers. They shocked 000 as her screams were heard and she fell to the floor. 001 was about to do something but was threatened by Dr. Brenner.

"Do anything and you'll punishment worse than these tasers. Now go take the kids to the side anf protect them." 001 glared at Dr. Brenner as she listened and took the toddlers to the side of the room to stay safe.

000's screams were haunting. She smirked as the blue light from the tasers turned red as it sent the shock towards the two orderlies. They flew to the side as smoke appeared off of them due to the shock they've received.

000 weakly stood up as her face started bruising a bit and blood dripped from her nose and eyes due to the powerful extent of her powers.

The last orderly held his hands out, pleading to not kill him. 000 tilted her head with an evil smile. A smile almost similar to her father's but there was an added monstrosity in it.

"It's okay. You don't need to worry. You'll be dead soon." 000 said as her arm was held out in front of her as the orderly was sent back to the wall struggling to fight back.

Bones snapping and crackling, eyes bleeding out, all like she had once done a long time ago. Closing her hand into a fist, the orderly fell to the ground. Dead.

The lights stopped flickering and room stopped shaking as her hand slowly went back to her side. She turned her head over to her left shoulder, sensing the fear in her father.

"Like I said... you could've stopped this. Me, your daughter... you could've stopped me from becoming a monster." 000 said as she fainted.

Martin Brenner rushed over to his daughter and picked her up. Brushing the strands of hair out of his daughter's face. Tears were about to come out from Martin Brenner, but he held it back. He turned around to see 001 with a shocked expression on his face. He shot back to reality as he ran his hands through his slightly buzz cut hair as he did his job and helped the toddler's back to their rooms.

The room was now empty as Martin Brenner walked over the dead bodies towards his daughter's room in the Lab. He laid his daughter down and kissed her forehead before he left.

001 snuck around corner and went inside 000's room. He doesn't know why or what he did to 000 for her to act like this. It was like he had said to himself once before.

"Monstrosity is found inside us all... even if we weren't meant for it. Just like you." He grabbed his childhood best friend's hand and gently kissed it. He sunk down to the floor as sobs were heard from him.

001. Henry Creel. He had thought he had lost his best friend. 000- Cordelia was the only person who actually understood him. The only person who understood what it's like to hide who you really are. Cordelia was the only person he had actually loved.

And now that part of her that was once full of love... has disappeared. Gone like the love was never there. And that's what hurt him. The hurt of losing the person he loved.

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