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"Today, we are going to play a game." Dr. Martin Brenner announced in the piercing cold grey training room. While saying this, he made a circle around him with a piece of chalk.

Cordelia stood on the side with the orderlies and Henry, while the other side stood all the experimented children. The long blonde haired young woman smirked, remembering when her and Henry used to challenge each other so competitively in this game.

"The rules of the game are quite simple. Stay in your circle. Leave your circle, you lose. Last person to stay in the circle will get to spend an extra hour off free time in the Rainbow Room..."

Dr. Martin Brenner went on and on about this little game. As the game had finally begun, deja vu hit her as she was back in 1972 as her seventeen year old self. Right after she had been healed from her sickness, coming out of her coma.

Everything was exactly the same as all the other children are competing against each other now. But lastly it was always 000 and 001 who had their turn, simply because they were the best. The greatest.

The two of them were always competitive with each other in everything. Mostly chess was their greatest some could say, but Brenner knew that this game right here brought back all the memories to them. He knew that his daughter and 001 held an enormous amount of power which truly showed in this game here.

"000. It's your turn." Peter aka Henry whispered in Cordelia's ear as he tapped her shoulder.

"W-what? OH- sorry." Cordelia awkwardly smiled as she stepped inside the circle as she saw little 011 standing on the other side of the circle.

"Wait! 011 go back. 002 you're in." Martin Brenner announced as everyone was in confusion.

"But- I lost- besides 000 is more powerful than everyone-"

"Well then you have the opportunity to beat one of the greatest here. Unfortunately you already lost to 011, but if you beat my daug- 000... then you win. Second chance for you, 002." Brenner said, causing 002 to hide his smile.

"Cocky daddy's boy bastard." Cordelia said in hers and Henry's mind as Henry walked over to put the blindfold over Cordelia's eyes, causing his insides to boil knowing this was one of the many things he wanted to do to Cordelia, but in private. He hid his feelings as he whispered a 'good luck, love' to her.

Martin Brenner eyed Henry again as he exhaled, "Begin."

000 and 002 were holding each other back with their powers as they breathed heavily. The room was silent as everyone could feel the pressure in the air change.

002 sent 000 to stutter a bit in her movement as she had one single thought. "Don't go easy anymore."

With these words in her strong mind, 000 tilted her head up as 002 was thrown to the wall, once again.

"See, you should never doubt yourself 002." Cordelia stated with a smirk as she went to walk back to her place next to Henry.

002 being filled with anger, he held his arm out at 000 but she was quicker than him. Red energy bursted from her hand as she held 002 up at the ceiling, twisting her hand slowly as energy began to drain 002. Filled with hatred for 002, Cordelia's eyes turned red as her nose bled.

"Everyone get the children out." Dr. Martin Brenner said as the kids were frightened and began yelling.

With a flick of her other wrist, the door shut closed. "No. He needs to punished... hmm." Cordelia said as she let her arm fall to her side as she glared intensely at 002, entering his mind to put him in the worst memory possible.

With her focus being directly on 002's mind, the children made their leave to escape that room. Dr. Brenner stood in shock, not wanting to let another incident happen again but Henry stopped him.

"Go. I got this."

"But- Pete- Henry... you can't-"

Henry turned to face Brenner, finally standing up only for what they both agreed on. Cordelia.

"Look I know you took my powers away... but I can help Cordelia. And I will whether you like it or not or if it gets me killed."

Henry walked over to Cordelia as he brought a taser, closing his eyes in tears as he shocked Cordelia with it.

She was brought back to reality from 002's mind as she threw him back to the wall. Earning her total focus on Henry.

Dr. Martin Brenner ran over to 002, helping him up as they quickly left the training room. Leaving only Cordelia and Henry behind.



Cordelia yelled as the room started shaking, causing deja vu for Henry. Cordelia help her hand in front of Henry as they were taken back into a memory.

The old Creel House. It was that day... the day Henry caused such monstrosity. Blood everywhere as his mother was laying on the dining table, bones snapped out of place.

Alice lay down on the floor with barely any life left in her as their father held little Henry who fell to the floor due to the over extent of his powers.

Henry stared at his younger self, slightly scared but also having slight pride for his brutal work. He turned his gaze towards Cordelia, her eyes flickered from red to her brown eyes as she exhaled her next sentence.

"How could anyone be capable of such monstrosities, especially you?!"

That's what Cordelia Brenner, the powerful but quiet daughter of Dr. Martin Brenner, thought when she first met him. The blonde, blue eyed young man laughed lowly as he grabbed Cordelia's hand over the number that appeared on her left arm to reveal her number. 000.

"I did all of this for you, 000- sorry, Cordelia. You've peaked my interest and I know that even yourself has monstrosity like that... I've seen that on numerous accounts." Henry brought his hand from Cordelia's arm to her chin, lifting it so she's looking up at him.

"...You're someone with great monstrosity... but you don't have to be the monster your father is scared you'll be. You can be something more powerful and greater than that monster, you can be a monster for good."

These words floating from Henry's mouth caused everything around the two to fade until they were back in the training room.

"I- I just can't do any of this anymore, Henry. I JUST CAN'T! I know he fears me but he also fears you, especially the two of us together... I just don't know what to do or who I am anymore. I'm slowly becoming a monster and I hate myself so much for it!"

The room shakes even more than before as Cordelia's eyes grow red once again. Henry pulled Cordelia in for a long passionate kiss that felt like an eternity.

The room slowly stops shaking as Henry and Cordelia pulled apart from the kiss, smiling. After all these years, most of their life... they've finally had their first kiss. Henry lips tasted of coffee and cigarettes while Cordelia's lips tasted of vanilla and pumpkin spice.

Dr. Martin Brenner rushed in as Cordelia and Henry were too focused on each other's gaze. The guards pulled Cordelia away as she didn't fight this time. Her gaze remained on Henry's as his gaze was the same to her.

Yet after that little loss of her mind, she was punished with tasers and the electric collar. She didn't care for any of that, all she knew was that right now in this very moment... Henry was safe and wasn't being abused for anything.

All that was in her mind, as well as Henry's, was the kiss. Their minds kept repeating that memory in a loop, wishing they were in each other's warmth again.

To feel at comfort in a place like this was insane... but the comfort of another person in this place was even more insane.

Maybe Cordelia and Henry were actually going insane! And so nightfall hits again...

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