Looking Into Your Eyes

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"You did pretty crappy today man."

Oikawa glanced at Iwazumi, who had a smirk on his face. "Yeah, sorry. My knee is bothering me a bit. But I'd say crappy is an overstatement- I was still fabulous."

"Whatever you say, crappykawa."

"Oh shut up. And keep your eyes on the road."

Iwa rolled his eyes. "It's a red light, I can look at you all I want. And if you sass me again I'm not going to buy your lazy ass that coffee you want so desperately."

Feigning hurt, Oikawa gasped and put a hand over his heart. "You made me a promise, Iwa! I can't believe you would go back on your word!"

The light turned green, and Iwa focused on the road. "Oh, relax, I'll buy you your stupid coffee."

Oikawa smiled and hummed in amusement. Oh, how he enjoyed getting his way and annoying Iwa.

Iwa glanced at Oikawa out of the corner of his eye, smiling at his friend's cocky grin. He had to admit, he loved seeing Oikawa smile.


It was too bad he wouldn't see that smile for a long time.

He didn't know what happened. One moment he was going to make some witty remark, and the next, the car had been slammed into a building.

Iwa covered his face, flinching as glass flew into his arms. He winced when he felt a deep, aching pain in his head. Iwa heard shouting and lowered his arms. His breathing hitched when he lowered his arms and took in his surroundings.

The entire left side of the car was destroyed, and Oikawa...


With shaky legs, Iwa scrambled out of the car and ran to the other side, where Oikawa layed on the ground. He stared in horror at the sight before him. There was so much blood, and his leg... It was twisted in a way that shouldn't be possible.

He kneeled next to Oikawa and gently shook his shoulder, trying to suppress his welling panic.


There was no response. And it looked like he was barely breathing.

"Come on, Oikawa. Now's not the time for jokes." Slowly, Iwa looked his friend over. His leg wasn't the only problem. There was a long, deep cut on his side, and he was bleeding from his head too.

"What is wrong with you!?"

I was turned his head at the sound of a woman screaming. The people that had been in the car that crashed into them stood in the middle of the road.

"It wasn't our turn to go! We had a red light!"

"I- I'm sorry, honey, I got distracted and-"

Anger boiled up inside Iwa as he listened to the couple. How could they stand there arguing while his friend was hurt?

Just as he was about to yell at them for help, a group of ambulances pulled up. The medics rushed over to them and dragged Iwa away from Oikawa.

"Wait! I need to see him-"

The medic looking Iwa over smiled sympathetically. "You have to calm down, son. I need to get you to the hospital."

"What? I'm fine. You should be worried about Oikawa."

"Sir, your left arm has a large gash in it, not to mention all of the glass. Please let me help you."

Iwazumi's eyes widened as he glanced at his arm. He hadn't even noticed how bad it was.

"We have to get him to the hospital now."

Watching as three medics lifted Oikawa onto a stretcher and pushed him into the ambulance. When they were gone, he looked at where his friend had been, and he gulped at the sight of all of the blood.

The medic taking care of Iwa tried to get his attention again. "Sir? What's your name?" She lead him to the other ambulance as they talked.

"Iwazumi Hajime."

"Your friend will be okay, Iwazumi."

Oh, how he hoped she was right.

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