We're Worth It

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"You came all the way to Argentina, just to see me?"

"I sure did."

Oikawa smirked as Kuroo Tetsurou stood in front of him, grinning.

"Hey, you were the captain of Nekoma, right? You guys were pretty good, it's a shame I never got to go against you. So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"Have you heard anything about an all star match being put together?"

Running a hand through his hair, Oikawa nodded. Oh, he'd definitely heard about it.

"Let me guess: you're the one organizing it?"

"Of course! And I want you to play."

"While it sounds fun, I'm not so sure."

"Really? Because ever since the Olympics, the whole word has been watching you."

"The whole world? You flatter me."

Kuroo's face lit up as he laughed. "You think I'm joking, but I'm not. You still don't look convinced, so I'll let a little secret slip."

"Well now I'm certainly intrigued." Oikawa raised a brow. What surprise could Kuroo possibly have to convince him?

"I spoke with your friend Iwaizumi a few days ago. He agreed to be a personal trainer for one of the teams. I didn't tell him I'd be going after you, but he figured it out anyway."

Of course Iwa would agree to that. Because he knew that would make Oikawa come back to Japan.

"Alright, alright. You got me." Oikawa grinned and shook Kuroo's extended hand. "So, when is this thing happening?"


He couldn't believe this. Iwa, the man that Oikawa had never seen get so much as a small cold, was lying in bed, looking on the verge of death.

Hanamaki pulled Oikawa out of Iwa's bedroom and shut the door gently. "I told you he's sick."

"Well yeah, but how was I meant to believe you? Have you ever seen him get sick before?"

"I guess not," Maki laughed.

Oikawa crossed his arms, pouting. "This is the first time I've been back here since your wedding, and I can't even say hi to my boyfriend."

"Oh come on. I'm sure he'll wake up soon. Then you can complain to him all you want."

"Yeah, I guess. So... How long has he been sick?"

"Just since yesterday."

"Hmm. Well he better get better soon. The training for that exhibition match starts in a week."

"Oh yeah," Hanamaki muttered. "Do you know what team you're on?"

Oikawa smiled. "No idea. They haven't told anyone yet. All I know is that Hinata, Kageyama, and Ushiwaka are all going to be playing."

"Oh really? Imagine if you get put on the same team as Kageyama or Ushiwaka."

"I think I would actually cry."

"You're so pathetic. Anyway, me and Mattsun have plans, so I've gotta go. Later Oikawa."

"Uh huh, see ya."

When Hanamaki was gone, Oikawa let out a sigh. He walked back into Iwa's room to find his boyfriend still in a fitful sleep. It was kind of ironic how the man who made a career of helping other people stay healthy had gotten so sick.

Oikawa put a hand on Iwa's forehead, pulling it away quickly and wincing. "That's a really high fever..."

"You're telling me."

"Iwa! How long have you been awake?"

"A couple minutes." Iwa opened his eyes and smiled softly. "Hey."


"For what?"

"If I'd known it would wake you up I would've waited awhile to come in."

"Are you kidding me? I've done nothing but sleep the past few days. I'm glad you're here."

"Hmm." Oikawa stood up and frowned. "Iwa, you should take your shirt off."


A laugh bubbled out of Oikawa when he saw his boyfriend blush. "I'm not flirting. Not yet, anyways. But seriously, it's probably making your fever worse. It's really heavy and clinging to you. Honestly, Iwa, aren't you supposed to be a health professional?"

"Keep lecturing me and I'll kick your ass."

"Please, you're in no shape for that. Now,  when's the last time you ate or drank anything?"

"This morning. I'm not hungry though."

Oikawa sighed and sat back down, grabbing Iwa's hand. "Alright. But I am going to make you eat something later."

Iwa chuckled, squeezing Oikawa's hand. "I'm sure you will." His smile faded when he saw Oikawa frown. "Okay, what's wrong?"

"Is this how you felt when you saw me after the accident?"


"I mean, I know that I was hurt pretty bad, and you're just sick, but... Well, you've never been sick before. So I've never seen you so pale and tired. You've never seemed so helpless before. I don't like it."

"Well I'm pretty sure I was terrified out of my mind, but I get what you're saying. It'll be fine though, really. I'm sure I'll start feeling better soon."

"Fair enough." Oikawa felt for Iwa's temperature again and smiled. "See? Your fever is already going down."

"Yeah yeah. You know it's funny, after taking care of you for so long, you finally have to take care of me."


Iwa sat up and leaned his head on Oikawa's shoulder. "So how has your leg been?"

"Pretty good. I still do daily exercises, and I have physical therapy two times a month. But enough talking about me. I'm going to make you some soup."

"But I'm not hungry."

"You will be by the time I'm done making it. Care to join me in the kitchen? Or are you so ill that you're bedridden?"

"I'm coming, but only because I don't want you to burn down my house."

"You say that as if I'm not the better cook between us."

"Shut up asshole."

"That's not something a sick person should say. I'm beginning to think you're faking this."

"I hate you."

Smirking, Oikawa helped Iwa out of bed. He laughed as they made their way to the kitchen. "Come on, you love me. Admit it."

"Fine. I love you."

"Thank you."

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