When You're Needing Space

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Okay, this was not normal. Oikawa always talked through movies, but as they sat in Iwa's room watching a movie, he was completely silent.

Iwa paused the movie and stared at his boyfriend.



"You're doing it again."

A hand grabbed Iwa's, and Oikawa smiled sadly. "I know, I know. Movie time is not the time for self reflection."

"What? I don't care about that. I mean you're blaming yourself for us losing again."

"I am not!"

"You're a shitty liar," Iwa muttered. He turned so that he was fully facing Oikawa and pulled him into a hug.

Oikawa let out a sigh as he wrapped his arms around Iwa. "I promised I'd get us to nationals."

"Now are you not the person who always gave our team a speech about how the fate of the game never rests on one person's shoulders?"

Iwa pulled out of the hug and ruffled Oikawa's hair. "All of that applies to you too. We all made choices that decided how the game would go. And besides, most of our team has more chances to go."

"But you and I never got to go together."

"Maybe not. But we'll certainly meet each other at the Olympics one day."

Oikawa laughed. "You do have a point there. We won't be playing together, though."

"Yeah, but who knows? Maybe you'll get to play on whatever team I get to train."

"I don't know about that."

Confused, Iwa raised a brow. "Huh?"

"I think I'm going to leave Japan."

"Like... Forever?"

"Oh, no, not forever. But I want to go to Argentina and play there. I think..." Oikawa grabbed both of Iwa's hands and smiled. "I think that going there could really help me, you know? And by the time we graduate my leg should be completely better, so that wouldn't be a problem."

Ever since they were kids, Oikawa had talked about playing for Argentina. Apparently, Iwa hadn't realized how serious he was able it.

Iwa nodded, grinning. "Well then I'm going to train a team just to kick your ass in the Olympics."

"I look forward to it."


"Jeez, Oikawa, how much creamer do you order in your coffee?"

Oikawa stuck his tongue out at Iwa. "Some people don't like their coffee to be the color of their soul."

"Says the one who's coffee is as disgustingly sweet as he is."

"Oh so you think I'm sweet, huh?"

Mattsukawa and Hanamaki smirked at each other, and the latter poked Oikawa's head. "Are you two done flirting yet? We have places to be."

"You're just jealous because your boyfriend doesn't call you sweet."

Mattsun laughed and pulled Maki into a hug. "It would be rude to lie to him, Oikawa."

"Alright alright, let's get going."

"Why are we even going to the gym?" Hanamki raised a brow. "It's a Saturday and it's not like we have to practice anymore."

Oikawa smiled, shrugging his shoulders. "Apparently some of our underclassmen have a surprise for us." He took a sip of his coffee and gripped Iwa's hand. "Not sure what it could be, but I am curious."

"Let's go see, then."

The four third years smiled and made their way to the gym. There, they were greeted by all of their underclassmen and a lot of decorations.

A laugh bubbled out of Oikawa as he looked between his awkward-looking teammates. "Okay, what is all this?"

Yahaba grinned sheepishly. "Well, we never gave you a proper send off, so..."

"Did you guys put these decorations up all by yourselves?"

"Yeah. It took a couple hours, but I think it was worth it," Kindaichi muttered. He glanced from the balloon decorated net to the third years." I, uh, I know that there's balloons and ribbons and stuff on the net, but we thought maybe we could play together one more time."

"And Kunimi made a cake for after," Yahaba added.

Iwa's eyes widened. "Kunimi, you can bake?"

"Yeah, I'm not like a professional or anything though."

Oikawa clapped his hands together. "Alright, then. Are we gonna play or what?"


"Hey. You okay?"

Iwa walked over to his boyfriend, who stood alone in a corner.

"I don't know." Oikawa didn't make eye contact with Iwa, instead choosing to focus on the half eaten piece of cake in front of him.

"What's wrong?"

"It's a bad day for my anxiety. I don't know why, it just..." Oikawa sighed and finally looked at Iwa. "I just want to go home and hide under a bunch of blankets. But at the same time, once we walk out that door, we're not a team anymore. And I don't know if I can handle that."

"Do you think it would've been better if they told you what they were planning?"

"Probably. I would've had more time to prepare for my last day as captain. But at the same time, none of the underclassmen know about my anxiety. So it's not like they could've known."

Iwa nodded and rubbed Oikawa's arm. "Let me tell you something. Just because you won't officially be captain anymore, and because we won't be playing together for official matches doesn't mean you're not still a part of the team. All of us would love to get together to play in our free time. So whenever you need to leave,  you leave. You don't have to make a big deal of our send off. And we've been here for a few hours already."

"Yeah... But I don't want to ruin everyone's mood."

Rolling his eyes, Iwa pressed a kiss to Oikawa's forehead. "You're not going to upset anyone." He frowned as he stepped back and took in Oikawa's appearance. "It's not just your anxiety bothering you, is it? You are super pale."

"You're as observant as ever, Iwa."

"Don't deflect my questions with your jokes. Is it your leg?"

"Yeah. It's hurt ever since I fell on it during our last match."

"Does your doctor know?"

"Mhm," Oikawa sighed. "But despite the fact that it feels like it broke all over, no damage was done. So he decided that I should still go down to this small, much less supportive brace."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well I didn't make the switch until yesterday, and I just never really thought to."

"Alright. Come on, you're saying bye and going home." Before Oikawa could object, Iwa dragged his hand and pulled him towards the door. They stopped in front of their former teammates.

Oikawa smiled at everyone."I hate to leave early, but I'm afraid I have to go. But before I do, I want to say how happy I am that I got to not only be on a team with, but be the captain of all of you. It's been the biggest honor. And... Whether we've been together since we were first years," Oikawa smiled at Hanamaki and Mattsukawa," or whether we just started playing together this year, it's been an amazing time. And I couldn't have asked for a better team this year. You all really made my last year worth every second. So... Thank you. I'm proud of every single one of you."

By the end of Oikawa's speech, everyone was crying, smiling through their tears. Iwa broke into a grin at the happiness that took over the pain on Oikawa's face at everyone's goodbye to him.

"We're proud of you, captain."

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