Just Like The Stars

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"Iwazumi, you're good to fill in as captain until Oikawa gets here right?"

"Mhm." Iwa glanced across the gym. The Karasuno volleyball team was warming up. Hanamaki walked up to him and sighed.

"I hear that they're not nearly as good as they used to be."

"Maybe not. But they have one of my old teammates from middle school on their team. So obviously Oikawa knows him too. Same for Kindaichi and Kunimi."

"What position does he play?"


"Where he and Oikawa friends?"

Smirking, Iwa shook his head. "Absolutely not. He looked up to Oikawa, and Oikawa hated him."


"He thought that the kid- Kageyama- was better than him. He still thinks that actually."


"Mhm. Kageyama has a bad reputation though. Apparently his skills are insane, but he's a jerk that doesn't communicate at all. So he's skilled, but not good."


"Alright boys! Line up!"

Hanamaki smiled at Iwa. "You ready?"



"Yoohoo! Sorry I'm late. My appointment took longer than I thought it would." Oikawa smiled at his teammates as he entered the gym.

"Took you long enough Lazykawa."

"Did I not just say my appointment ran long?" Stopping next to the coach, Oikawa looked at the team on the other side of the net. He nodded to them before sitting down.

"Oikawa?" Kageyama stared at him with a shocked expression.

"Hey Tobio! It's been awhile." Oikawa gestured to his leg and frowned. "Obviously I won't be playing today, so we can't see who's the better setter. But some day we will."

"Uh, yeah... Sure."

The coach glanced at Oikawa. "I forgot you two know each other."

He shrugged. "We don't know each other well. So who won the first set?"


Frowning for a split second, Oikawa studied his leg. It'd been two months since the accident, and it still hurt just as bad. His frown turned into a sad smile when he looked back at the coach. "I knew they'd be fine without me."


Sitting on his couch, Oikawa grimaced. "Iwa, do you want anything from the kitchen?"

"Nah I'm good. Why?"

"I need to get an ice pack."

"I can get it for you." Iwa sat up straight.

Oikawa shook his head. "No, I got it. You sure you don't want any water at least?"

"I'm sure. I'll come with you though. I need to stretch my legs."

"Alright." Oikawa grabbed his crutches and made his way to the kitchen. Before he could open the freezer to grab an ice pack, Iwa grabbed his shoulder. "Is something wrong?"

"Look at me for a second."

Oikawa obeyed, turning around to face his friend with a raised brow.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Iwa."

"You're a shitty liar."

Oikawa glanced away from Iwa. However, Iwa was not having this. He grabbe Oikawa's chin and forced him to look at him.

"Don't turn away from me. And be honest. Are you really okay?"

"... No."

Iwa frowned. He wanted the truth, but he hated to hear it. "Grab your ice pack, and then we're talking."

Nodding, Oikawa grabbed his ice pack and ushered Iwa back to the living room. When they were sitting back down and Oikawa's leg was elevated with the ice pack, Iwa scooted closer to him and sighed.

"Tell me what's up."

Oikawa stared at his hands. "I just... It's been two months, and it still hurts so bad. I have this giant brace, and I think they surely it will make the pain go away, and it doesn't. But that's not even the worst part."

Iwa flinched when tears started to roll down his friend's face. This was all his fault-

"I can't help but think that maybe I should quit volleyball."

"Why would you quit?"

"I love volleyball. And watching my friends play and have the time of their lives while I sit on the bench... That's what hurts the most. And seeing how well you all handled yourselves without me today, and how good you played makes me feel like maybe you guys don't need me."

Iwa didn't know what to say. Oikawa had always been so filled with passion that joy came easily to him. But then, so did all of the negative emotions. And he never talked about them, unless Iwa really pushed him. And when Iwa noticed Oikawa messing with his fingers... He grabbed Oikawa's hands without thinking.


"Don't you ever say that you're not needed. Even if you can't play on the court with us, you help us in so many ways that I don't think you know. Do you understand?"

Oikawa nodded. He glanced at his hands, which Iwa still had a firm grip on.

"Your anxiety has gotten worse too."

"Oh really, how could you tell?" Oikawa's sarcasm faded when he met Iwa's eyes again. "Yeah. With the medication for my leg I had to stop taking my anxiety meds. They gave me a new kind, but it doesn't work nearly as well."

Iwa's brows drew together. Six months ago Oikawa had told him about his anxiety. It happened after the first time he'd seen Oikawa cry in two years, and he still hadn't told anyone else.

"Can you do anything about it?"

Oikawa shook his head. "I just have to tough it out for a few more months. I'll be fine."

"But you're not fine now." Iwa frowned at his friend. Oikawa is many things, but most of all, he reminded Iwa of a star. When he's happy, he is always so bright and radiant, and it's hard to put his fire out. But when it did happen, he's dark and cold. And looking at Oikawa now... His fire was definitely burnt out. It had been for two months, and Iwa cursed himself for not noticing how bad it was sooner.



"You know I'll always be here for you, right? I know that I can get on your ass about things sometimes, but I really do care about you. So when you have bad days like today please tell me. I want to help you."

"I will. Thank you, Iwa."

Iwa nodded and let go of Oikawa's hands. Oikawa didn't pull them away, though. And thirty minutes later, the captain had actually fallen asleep with his hands gripping Iwa's.

Smiling down at him, Iwa laughed quietly. "You are stupidly cute sometimes," he whispered. Awhile after that, Iwa fell asleep too.

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