I Won't Give Up

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"I can't believe we lost," Oikawa groaned.

"I know!" Hinata crossed his arms, pouting, as Team A huddled together.

The exhibition match that Kuroo planned out had five sets, and Oikawa's team had won the first and fourth sets. But during the fifth, Atsumu had hit his serve too hard and got the other team the final point they needed to win.

Iwa ran a hand over Oikawa's back in an attempt to comfort him. "I know it sucks you guys lost, but you all did amazing. Seriously, I don't think I've ever felt such a rush watching a match before."

"Awe, Iwa, you make me blush."

"I was complimenting everyone, not just you dumbass."

"Ah, but I'm included in everyone."

"Not anymore."

"You're so mean to me," Oikawa gasped. He grinned and slid an arm around Iwa's waist. "Now, care to join me in going and congratulating the other team?"

"Fine. Let's go."


Oikawa refused to let go of Iwa's hand as he lead his boyfriend across a beach. Humming happily, he stared at the stars in the sky and smiled.

Iwa smiled too as he was lead along the edge of the waves, but he couldn't help the curious glances he cast in Oikawa's direction.

"Hey Oikawa?"


"When are you going back to Argentina?"

"Soon. But I'm hoping it won't be for long."

"You're gonna come back here soon?"

"That's the plan."

With an excited hop, Oikawa dragged Iwa deeper into the waves, so the two stood with the water reaching halfway up their shins.

"Okay, what's up with you?"

"Oh, nothing. I've just been thinking about some stuff."

Iwa raised a brow. "Like?"

"Well... The time I've spent in Argentina has been amazing. I have some of my best memories there, but it just doesn't feel like home."


"I wanna come back to Japan, Iwa. Of course, I don't have a Japanese citizenship anymore. And the whole process to get one again will take months. So I was thinking..."

Iwa froze as Oikawa got down on one knee, the waves thoroughly soaking his clothes, and grinned.

"Home is wherever you are. And that happens to be Japan. And I love you more than anything else in this world, so... Iwa, will you marry me?"

"Took you long enough to ask."

Oikawa's grin widened as he knocked Iwa into the water next to him and kissed him.

"You can't rush these things, Iwa my love. Perfection tales time."

Iwa held Oikawa's face in his hands and laughed.

"Oh yeah?"


"You're an idiot."

"Ah, but I'm your idiot. Soon to be forever."

Pulling Oikawa closer to him, Iwa layed down in the water, enjoying the gentle waves washing over him. "Yeah you are."

"You know, it's almost hard to believe that you've stuck with me, from the lowest point in my life even till now, when we don't live in the same country."

"That's what you do for the people you love. And besides," Iwa lifted himself up by his elbows and grinned, a smile brighter than Oikawa had ever seen before. "I told you I would never give up on you. Cause I really do love you so, so much."

Oikawa's eyes lit up. "I love you too."


So! That's the end of this story probably! And y'all should be grateful because I was originally going to kill Oikawa at the end of this (via a car crash) but I decided to be nice and spare you from the angst :)

I might end up writing the original ending I had planned as an alternate ending but I'm not sure yet, so yeah for now this is it. I hope you enjoyed it! <3

I Won't Give Up | IwaoiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon