You've Come So Far

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The past week had been good for Oikawa. The pain in his leg was starting to bother him less, and his physical therapy had been going well. It's too bad that short period of relief didn't last.

To make everything worse, people seemed to notice that he wasn't feeling too well today, and they would not stop asking him if he was okay.

"Excuse me, can I step outside of the classroom for a moment?"

"Of course, Oikawa. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

Oh, what a filthy little lie.

Oikawa left the classroom and wandered through the school until he found and empty hallway. He sat down with a hiss of pain, throwing his crutches to the side.

Breathe. All he had to do was breathe.

Oikawa buried his face in his hands and took one deep breath after another.

"Oikawa?" Iwa gently pulled Oikawa's hands away from his face and frowned. Oikawa kinda of hated when he did that. Iwa had never been very gentle with him, until the accident, and he didn't want his friend to change his whole personality for him. But... He kind of liked it too.

"It's been a bad day," Oikawa mumbled.

Iwa sighed. "Alright, get up."

"No offense, Iwa, but I don't really want to go back to class yet."

"We're not going back to class, idiot. You're going home."

"I can't just leave school-"

"You can and you will. You look like you're about to burst into tears, and we can't have all of the fan girls see you crying now can we?"

"Awe, you care about my reputation?"

"Of course I do. I don't want everyone thinking our captain is a baby. Even though you are one."

Oikawa huffed as Iwa helper him up. "You know for a second there I thought you were actually being nice."

"Don't insult me." Iwa looked Oikawa over. "Are you... Okay with me driving you?" He asked hesitantly.

Smiling softly, Oikawa grabbed Iwa's hand. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Alright then. Let's go."


Iwa threw a blanket over Oikawa and sighed. Almost as soon as they'd gotten to his house, the captain had broken out in a fever.

"Man you are a mess today. First I find you on the verge of tears in the hall and now this."


"Don't apologize." Iwa put a hand to Oikawa's forehead to feel his temperature and winced. "Yeah, that's not good. Does your leg hurt too?"

"I don't understand why. It felt fine for a week."

"I'm no medical expert, but I'd say maybe you're pushing yourself too hard in therapy?"

Oikawa rolled his eyes and Iwa laughed. Even sick and in a bad mood, Oikawa had a way of brightening the mood.

Iwa stood and headed towards the kitchen. "I'm going to make you some tea." He looked back at Oikawa with a glare. "And if you even think about saying I don't have to I will throw the teapot at your head."

A smile blossomed on Oikawa's face. God, he's so pretty-

Oikawa hummed. "No complaining. Got it."

When he finished making the tea, Iwa handed a cup to Oikawa and nodded towards the door. "I should probably go now. I don't want to disturb you or anything."

"Please don't leave me, Iwa."


"I don't like to be alone," Oikawa whispered. He frowned at the cup of tea in his hands. "And I like being with you."

Iwa's gaze softened at the desperation in Oikawa's voice. "Fine, but only for a bit longer." His heart fluttered a bit when Oikawa finally smiled. He sat next to his friend and brushed the hair our of his face.

Oikawa leaned into Iwa's touch. "I'm so pathetic."

"Don't say that. You're one of the strongest people I know. And I mean that."

"Not as strong as you though."

He didn't know why, but Iwa always got happy when Oikawa showed admiration for him like that. Or, he'd like to say he didn't know. But for a little over a year now, he'd found himself smiling just because someone had muttered his friend's name. Or he'd blush when Oikawa complimented him. Hell, he'd even found himself staring at him and thinking about how beautiful he is.

"Iwa are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot today- don't tell me you're getting sick too."

"Nah, I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff."




He wanted to tell him so, so bad. But he wouldn't, not yet at least. Oikawa doesn't need another burden to carry right now.

"You've been forcing smiles again."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Like hell you don't. You laugh and smile when you're around people, and as soon as you're alone you fall apart. And... It's okay not to be okay, you know. Me, and the rest of the team, we won't judge you."

"I know. I can't help it, though." Oikawa rested his head on Iwa's shoulder and grabbed his hand. "I'm just so tired, Iwa."

"Then rest."

"But I'm the one that begged you to stay. I think it'd be pretty rude of me to go and take a nap after that."

"Don't argue with me. Just sleep for a bit. I'll still be here when you wake up."



Oikawa huffed, looking somewhat annoyed, but layed down anyways.

Iwa watched as Oikawa fell asleep and, when he was sure that he wouldn't be waking up anytime soon, he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I love you."

I Won't Give Up | IwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now