We've Got A Lot To Learn

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Two teams glared at each other from across the net, both full of tired, panting players.

Behind one of the teams stood Iwa, arms crossed as he glared at the other team. He sighed and called a timeout.

Japan's national volleyball team exchanged a bunch of relieved glances as they walked off the court.

Iwa looked over the team before him, his gaze falling on Hinata.

"Hinata, did you stretch enough before the match started? You're looking stiff."

"I thought I did."

"Could you stretch out a bit more please? I don't want you pulling a muscle."

"Sure thing!"

Bokuto grinned at Iwa. "Man, I know watching out for our health is your job, but you're really taking this seriously today."

"Of course I am." Iwa looked to the other side of the court and smirked when a tired Oikawa winked at him. He turned back to face the Japanese team and smiled. "I need all of you in the best possible shape if we're going to take Oikawa down."

"I think it's kind of funny how you want to defeat your boyfriend so bad."

Iwa shrugged. "Boyfriend or not, I've been waiting for this moment for years. I'm counting on you guys to take his smug ass down."


Huffing, Oikawa watched as the ball went over the net. Again. And then he set it. Again.

His team just needed one more point, and they would win the Olympics. But the current rally had been going on for four minutes, and all of Argentina's spikers were exhausted.

Oikawa sighed in annoyance as the ball continued to go back and fourth between the two teams. His annoyance turned to amusement when he heard Iwa yelling from the sidelines.

"Getting frustrated, Iwa!?"

"Shut up!"

One of Oikawa's teammates snickered. "Flirt later. Focus on the game now."

"Yeah, yeah."

Oikawa's eyes focused on the team across the net, where all six members were prepared to block another spike.

None of them were prepared for Oikawa to do a setter dump for the first time in the whole game.

The ball hit the floor on Japan's side, and Oikawa grinned as the crowd broke out in cheers.

He pulled his team into a giant hug, all of them laughing and relishing the groans of the other team.

Oikawa pulled out of the hug and looked across the court to see Iwa staring at him, an amused smile on his face.

The two ran towards each other, pulling into a tight hug.

"A setter dump? Really?" Iwa murmured into Oikawa's shoulder.

Oikawa laughed, pressing a kiss to Iwa's forehead. "You're just jealous that I got the winning point against the team you trained so hard."

"Maybe." Iwa returned Oikawa's kiss. "But I'll train them so hard that next time, we'll beat you in straight sets."

"That's what you think."


The Olympics ended two weeks ago and now, sitting in a restaurant, Oikawa was surrounded by his best friends.

Hanamaki's eyes widened as he scrolled through his phone. He glanced at Oikawa and smiled. "Dude, it's been weeks and still literally every post I've seen is talking about that dump you pulled. You're like a volleyball hero or something."

Oikawa grinned. "Well I am pretty amazing. You think so, don't you, Iwa?"

"Shut up."

"Uh oh, the boyfriends are fighting again," Mattsun teased.

Winking at Hanamaki and Mattsun, Oikawa rested his chin on his hands. "Speaking of boyfriends, or should I say, fiances- Do you two have a date yet?"

"Not yet." Hanamaki layed his head on his fiance's shoulder. "We're thinking maybe in the winter. Would you be able to come then?"

"Of course! I don't care what my coach says, I'll come back here whenever I need to. I am not missing my best friends' wedding."

Iwa nodded and crossed his arms. "Believe me, I'd fly to Argentina and kidnap him if I had to. He'll be there no matter when it is."

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't think kidnapping is necessary," Oikawa drawled. He glanced at his phone and sighed.

"Time to get to the airport?"

"Unfortunately. Man, I wish I could stay longer."

"You could always come back to live here."

Oikawa stood up, frowning as he stretched. "Believe me, sometimes I really wish I could. But Argentina is like a home now, too."

Hanamaki and Matsukawa nodded in understanding before pulling Oikawa into a tight hug. "Just come back soon, kay?"

"You know I will."

The three said their final goodbyes, still in a hug. When they parted, Oikawa left for the airport, Iwa walking alongside him.

When they got there, Iwa pulled Oikawa into a long kiss.

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too." Oikawa held Iwa's hands, a soft smile on his face. "Like I said before, I'll come back soon."

"You better. I'll be waiting for you."

"I wouldn't expect anything else." Oikawa kissed Iwa as a goodbye before boarding the plane. And it was in that moment that he was certain he would go back to Japan soon. Permanently.

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