The Things Your Eyes Hold

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Humming to himself in the club room, Oikawa sat on a bench and changed his shirt.

"Um, Oikawa?"

Oikawa turned his head and smiled. "Oh, hey Kindaichi! What's up?"

The first year sat next to Oikawa and looked at him nervously.

"Kindaichi, what's wrong?"

"I was just wondering... Are you just gonna watch practice again today?"

"Well I can't exactly run around on the court. I can barely even stand. Why?"

"Um, well-"

"Hey Kindaichi, let's go. It's time for laps."

Iwa stood in the doorway and nodded to the first year.

"Sorry, I'm coming." Kindaichi nodded to Oikawa and left. Iwa stayed.

"That was rude Iwa. We were in the middle of a conversation!"

"He wants you to play again. They all do."

"Yeah? Well I do too. But I've only been out of the hospital for two weeks. It'll be months before I can play again."

"Nah. You could practice with us today."

Oikawa raised a brow. "Did you miss the part about how I can barely stand?"

Sighing, Iwa crossed his arms. "I thought you were supposed to be the smartest person on this team."

"Awe, you really think that?"

"Shut up." Oikawa smirked when his friend rolled his eyes. Iwa moved to sit next to Oikawa. "Look, I know that watching us play while you sit on the bench has been killing you."

"You got that right." Oikawa glanced at Iwa, who frowned as he looked at the large brace covering Oikawa's leg. "Hey." Iwa's gaze moved to his face. "What's your idea then?"

"If we put a chair on the edge of the court you could sit down and set from there right?"

Oikawa thought for a moment before smiling. "I could. But sitting down my sets probably won't be that good. And I can't do that in actual matches."

"Obviously you dumbass. But you'd still get to play a bit, and the first years won't be so depressed anymore."

"They've missed me that bad?"

"You're our captain. Of course they have."

"Good point. I am a fabulous captain- oh! Hey Iwa, what time is it?"

"Uhh." Iwa pulled out his phone and checked the time. "Three thirty. Why?"

"I have to take my medication." Slowly, Oikawa stood up, gripping his crutches tightly. Iwa watched as he made his way over to his bag. He quickly took his pills and made his way back to sit on the bench.

"You know I could have gotten them for you."

"I'm fine, Iwa. I can handle getting up to grab things."

"Your face would say otherwise."

"Oh, please. You always say something about my face." Oikawa smiled again and waved his friend away. "Get to practice. I'll be there in a bit."

Iwa roller his eyes as he stood up. "I'm telling the others you're setting for us today. So you better hurry up."

"Yeah, yeah."

Iwa left the club room and Oikawa sighed. He looked at his leg and winced. It hurt. Really bad. But... Oikawa was excited. He hadn't realized how much his team wanted to play with him, and he was glad they thought of a way to include him.


Iwa grinned as Oikawa walked- or rather, barely managed to limp with the help of crutches- into the gym.

"Took you long enough."

Pausing dramatically, Oikawa frowned. "You try getting down stairs with these things. It's even worse than going up stairs."

Everyone helped Oikawa get set up, and, other than the captain setting from a chair, practice went on as it had before the accident.

Oikawa didn't participate the whole time, since he still had the stitches in his side that he had to be careful with, but when he did everyone was smiling and laughing.

Iwa glanced at Oikawa, and his breath was taken away. Despite the pain he was undoubtedly in, and despite the circumstances, Oikawa was glowing. Iwa thought the joy in his friend's eyes might be the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. And when Oikawa matched Iwa's gaze, the two smiled at each other.

Iwa really hoped he wouldn't have to see that smile falter again anytime soon.

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