Right Where You Are

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Iwa had been checking his phone for hours, waiting for a call. Hell, even a text would be good. But there was absolutely nothing.

"Why have you been checking your phone so much?" Matsukawa asked. He sat next to Iwa and raised a brow.

"You know how I had to take Oikawa home two weeks ago?"


"Well after that he promised me that next time he felt like that he wouldn't come to school. And since he's not here I figured that was it, since he hates to miss school and all, so I called him to check up on him and he didn't pick up. He still hasn't answered."

"Do you wanna make a stop by his house before practice today? I need to pick up a hoodie I left there awhile ago anyways."

"Yeah, sure. I know I'm probably worrying over nothing, but..."

"He's your best friend. You're allowed to worry man."

Iwa sighed and took another glance at his phone. Still nothing.


"Oikawa?" Iwa entered his friend's house, Matsukawa behind him. The two exchanged a glance and made their way throughout the house. And once they got to the kitchen-

"Oikawa!" The captain was laying on the floor, unconscious, with a melting ice pack next to him. Iwa knelt next to him and shook him.

Matsukawa stood next to the counter and frowned. "Should we take him to the hospital?"

"Probably. But... What's wrong with him?"

"It looks like he's out of medication. Maybe the pain in his leg was bad enough that it made him pass out?"

Iwa thought his heart might stop. "Wait, did you say his medicine is gone?"


"It shouldn't be. He's only supposed to take two pills a day, and I was here yesterday. He had six left-" Oh God. "Matsu, go start your car right now."

Matsukawa just nodded before running out of the house. Iwa looked Oikawa over with wide eyes. He looked so pale, and... Sad.

"You idiot. What were you thinking?" Taking a deep breath, Iwa lifted Oikawa up and carried him out to Matsukawa's car. He sat in the back with Oikawa's head resting on his lap so he could make sure he was fine.

Iwa fought back tears, trying to calm himself as he watched over his friend. They hadn't talked about how Oikawa was doing since that day he had a fever, and Iwa cursed himself for it. He should've checked in on him again, should've gone to his house sooner.

He just hoped that Oikawa would be okay.


Iwa sat in the hospital for two hours until Oikawa woke up. And when he finally did, his friend refused to make eye contact with him. He didn't talk, either.

"Please just look at me."

Oikawa just blinked.

"Please. I'm not going to scold you. I'm sure your uncle already did. So please, Oikawa," Iwa reached out and grabbed his hand, "Just look at me."

Finally, Oikawa did look at him. His face was tear stained, and his eyes were haunted and tired.

"You don't have to talk, but... Why? Why did you do that?"

Oikawa gulped. He looked like he wanted to turn his back on Iwa, but he didn't. "I couldn't take the pain anymore."

"But I thought you said it wasn't hurting as bad? Did you lie?"

"No. No, I... I fell this morning. And I landed on my leg- my bad one, obviously." Oikawa took a raspy breath and wiped at his face.


Oh, god. His parents are away, so he wouldn't have had anyone to help him. And even thinking about how that would've hurt made Iwa wince.

"It hurt so bad, Iwa. I- I think it hurt worse than it did after the accident. I know it was stupid, but I was so desperate for it to stop hurting. I can't take it anymore. And all I want is for it to stop... Even now, I think I would do it again if it would take the pain away."

Oh, how Iwa's heart shattered. Even on the bad days after the crash, Oikawa had rarely let the pain in his leg get to him. And the few times it had, Iwa had always been there for him. But today he hadn't been, and Oikawa had been completely alone.

"Oikawa." Iwa moved from his chair to sit next to Oikawa on the hospital bed. "I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through, but please, don't give up on me."


"In less than half a year, I've almost lost you twice. And that's scary. But you've been so brave up to this point, don't give that up now. I promise you that it will stop hurting soon. And you'll be able to play volleyball again. But you have to keep going, Oikawa. Please. I don't think I could live with loosing someone I love."

"... Someone you love?"

Iwa hadn't even realized he said it, but when he saw the brief flash of hope in Oikawa's eyes... "Yeah. Someone I love."

Oikawa nodded. "And I would hate to leave someone I love."

"Alright," Iwa muttered. He squeezed Oikawa's hand before standing up. "Let's get you home."

I Won't Give Up | IwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now