Patiently Waiting

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It was the last match to decide whether Karasuno or Shiratorizawa would go to nationals, and Oikawa had come to watch.

"I thought you said you weren't coming to watch this match?"

Oikawa nearly jumped out of his seat as Iwa walked up behind him, smirking.

"I wasn't going to. But I decided it could be good for me to learn some strategies and stuff."

Iwa sat next to him and raised a brow. "Okay, but didn't you say that you'd be pissed watching either of these teams win?"

"I did. But then again, seeing either one lose would make my day."

"You're a piece of crap."

"Excuse you, could you please stop calling me that?"

"Sure. How's piece of shit sound?"

"Fine! Piece of crap."

"As you wish."

Rolling his eyes, Oikawa layed his head on Iwa's shoulder. "You're so mean. Aren't boyfriends supposed to be nice?"


Oikawa scoffed, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend. Iwa smiled softly and leaned his head on Oikawa's shoulder.

"Hey Iwa, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up?"



A knock on the door startled Oikawa out of a fitful sleep. He looked out the window and sighed in relief. The sun was still out, so he hadn't been asleep for too long.

Iwa only took a few steps into the room befor he stopped and frowned. "You good?"

"Oh, yeah. I just woke up."

"Sorry, I wouldn't have come over if I knew you were sleeping-"

"No it's fine! Just took a little nap is all. I'm glad you came." Oikawa pat the spot next to him on the bed, motioning for Iwa to sit.

When Iwa sat down he pulled Oikawa into a hug and smiled. "You look a bit tired."

"I am. Applying for visas and passports is exhausting."

"We only graduated last week and you're already trying to leave," Iwa laughed.

Oikawa giggled and kissed Iwa's cheek. "Oh don't you worry, you'll still have two fabulous months with me."

"I don't know if I'd say fabulous."

"You're so mean, Iwa." A quick glance at the calendar on his wall made Oikawa frown.

Iwa raised a brow, his fingers running through Oikawa's hair. "Okay, now what's wrong?"

"Two months isn't a long time."

"Wow, how observant."

"I'll miss you a lot."

"Yeah, I'll miss you too." Iwa kissed Oikawa's head. "But it's been your dream to go to Argentina for years. You can't pass up on this."

Oikawa nodded. He hated the thought of leaving Iwa for so long, of not being able to hug him and press little kisses to his forehead. But since he was a kid he's wanted to play volleyball for Argentina, and now that an opportunity was presenting itself...

"I promise you'll be okay," Iwa murmured. "Besides, you'll only be gone for a month for that camp right? Then you'll be back here for awhile."

"That is true." Oikawa layed down, pulled Iwa with him, and smiled.

Iwa wrapped his arms around him. "We've got two months, and we'll make the most of them. But before that, I can tell you're exhausted. You need to sleep and take care of yourself."

"I'll sleep later. I wanna hang out with you now."

"No. You'll sleep now."


"Oikawa. Listen to me. You've been stressing for weeks. So just relax a bit, kay? I'll still be here when you wake up."

Oh, he hates that Iwa was right.


"I promise."

"Fine. But only for a bit. I wanna talk to you." Oikawa wrapped a blanket around the two of them, and his eyes fluttered shut.

"Mhm. We'll talk soon."

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