The Stars Burn

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"Excuse me sir, are you available to give me a ride to the airport?"

A taxi driver who had been leaning against a pole smiled at Oikawa. "Of course! I've been waiting for someone to need a ride." The driver's eyes widened as he looked Oikawa over. "Hey, you play volleyball for Argentina don't ya?"

Oikawa smiled. "Yeah, I do. You a volleyball fan?"

"I'm not an expert for anything, but my daughter plays for her school. Oikawa, right? She's a big fan."

"Oh yeah? What position does she play?"


"Awe, that's cool."

The driver nodded, a fond expression on his face. "Say, would you mind taking a picture with me? It would make her day."

"Sure thing!"

When they finished with their picture, the two got into the taxi.

"So the airport, huh? Where are you off to?"

"Back to Japan," Oikawa hummed. "I haven't been home in ages. And there's someone I need to see."


Iwa couldn't help the grin that spread across his face when he saw Oikawa at the airport.
Like usual, he was surrounded by his fangirls, but that didn't stop him from making his way to Iwa as fast as possible.

"Trashykawa. It's been awhile."

Oikawa put a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. "This is the first time you've seen me in over a year, and that's what you have to say to me?"

A year after he'd graduated from high school, Oikawa moved permanently to Argentina to play on a professional team. In the five years since then, he'd taken every chance he had to come back to Japan for his friends. But over the last year, he'd been far too busy to go back.

"You must not know me very well if you were expecting anything else," Iwa murmured. He smirked, closing the distance between himself and his boyfriend. "I missed you so much."

Oikawa held Iwa's face in his hand and pulled him into a long kiss. When the two finally pulled apart, he smiled softly. "I missed you more."

"Sure, sure. How long are you staying this time?"

"A month."

Iwa's eyes widened. "A whole month?"

"Mhm." Oikawa pulled Iwa back into a hug, humming happily.

Running his hand through Oikawa's hair, Iwa sighed. He glanced behind his boyfriend to see a bunch of girls staring at them.

"Let's get to my house and cuddle away from your fangirls. I can't stand seeing them stare at you like that."

"Jealous, huh?" Oikawa giggled and grabbed Iwa's hand, pulling him out of the airport. "I don't blame you. They are a lot to handle. And the way they watch me sometimes is pretty creepy."

"Says the one who talks to them all the time."

"Well I have to be polite!"

Iwa rolled his eyes. "Let's just get home already."

"You don't have to tell me twice."

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