The Night Sky

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Taking a deep breath, Iwa closed his eyes as the doctor finished putting stitches in his arm.

"All done." The doctor stood up and smiled at him. "Your parents agreed to keep you here for the night so we can keep an eye on you, but your injuries weren't too bad so you should be good to go home tomorrow. Take it easy for awhile though, since you hit your head pretty hard. And don't lift anything too heavy with that arm."

"Is Oikawa okay?"

"Ah. He's out of surgery now, but he hasn't woken up yet. Once he does you can go see him."

Iwa stared at the doctor for a moment, trying to process his words. "He had surgery?"

"Sorry, I thought someone would have told you. He had surgery to apply an external frame to his leg." The doctor said his goodbyes and left Iwa alone in the room.

With a sigh, Iwa looked at his phone. He chuckled when he saw the forty seven text messages from the volleyball group chat. He had to hand it to his team, they had a way of making him feel better about everything.

"Knock knock."

Iowa's head shot up and he smiled slightly at Matsukawa and Hanamaki, who stood in the doorway.

"Well? Come in."

The two smiled at Iwa as they sat on the edge of the hospital bed. Hanamaki looked him over, his smile fading into a frown. "How are you feeling?"

"How do you think I'm feeling?" Iwa ran a hand through his hair. "My arm hurts pretty bad and my head isn't feeling too pleasant either. But... Oikawa got it a lot worse."

"What even happened?" Matsukawa glanced out the window as he asked, as if he was afraid of what the answer would be.

"I'm not even entirely sure, but we were at an intersection. Some car ran their red light, and I didn't have time to do anything. I think whenever the other driver realized he was going to hit us, he tried to swerve maybe. So they hit us at an angle. But the initial impact was right where Oikawa was, it completely crushed his leg."

Hanamaki gulped and grabbed Matsukawa's hand. "Oh, god..."

"He's gonna be okay, right?"

"I don't know." Iwa looked away from his friends. "Apparently he just got out of surgery. But he hasn't woken up since the crash. The doctor said he'd be fine, but..." He thought back to what Oikawa had looked like and covered his face with his hands.

A gentle hand laid on Iwa's knee, and he looked up to see Hanamaki smiling at him. "Hey, it'll be okay. He's our captain, after all. I'm sure he'll be fine."

"I should've been more careful."

"Iwa, the other car ran through a red light. It wasn't your fault." Matsukawa's eyebrows stitched together. "There was nothing you could have done man."

"I need to see him," Iwa muttered.

"We can go ask one of the doctors if you can go see him."

"Would you?"

"Of course. We'll be right back."


Sitting on a chair next to Oikawa's bed, Iwa watched out the window as the sunset faded into a deep purple. He'd been sitting there for three hours, and refused to leave.

Iwa's parents had gone to stay in a hotel down the street from the hospital, and Oikawa's had gone home to get some stuff for him, since he'd have to stay here longer. And an hour ago Matsu and Hanamaki had to leave, and Iwa was all alone with his friend.


He turned his head to face the doctor that had been looking after him. "Hi."

The doctor frowned and nodded towards Oikawa. "It might be awhile. You're gonna have to go back to your room so you can rest soon."

"I can wait."

"It could be a few days, and you can't wait that long. I'll take you back to your room. You can come back in the morning."

Taking one last look at Oikawa, Iwa nodded. He didn't feel like arguing. He was tired. Iwa followed the doctor back to his room and frowned.

"What is it? Is it hurting too bad?"

"If he wakes up during the night, will you tell me?"

"Well my shift ends in ten minutes, but I'll tell some of the others to wake you if he does."

"Thank you."

The doctor nodded, smiling sympathetically. "He will be okay, I promise. He's my nephew, afterall. I'll kick his ass if he's not okay."

"He's your nephew?"

"Yep. I'm his mom's brother. You and I have met before, but you probably don't remember. You two were quite young, and I just moved back here a few months ago."

"Oh." Iwa didn't know what else to say- he was too tired to think- so he just whispered, "Thank you."

"I'll see you tomorrow, kid." The doctor left, and Iwa climbed into the bed and tried to sleep.

He didn't sleep well, though. Over and over again, he dreamed about Oikawa's yell before the cars collided, and the way he found his friend laying on the road.

Everytime he woke up, Iwa thought the same thing. He just wanted to see Oikawa's smile again.

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