Your Old Soul

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Sitting on the bench, Oikawa watched as the team across the net warmed up. Iwa stood next to him, arms crossed as he analyzed their opponents.

"Are you ready?" Iwa asked. He looked down at Oikawa, looking slightly concerned.


"Just be careful, okay? If anything hurts or feels wrong you're being benched."

"What are you, my mother?" Oikawa gave Iwa a reassuring smile. "I know, Iwa. Don't push myself too hard. I promise I'll be careful."

Iwa nodded and put a hand on Oikawa's shoulder. "As long as you're sure you can do this."

"I am. I've been off my crutches for three weeks, and both my doctor and therapist said it would be safe to do this. I just can't put too much wait on my leg."

Oikawa grabbed the hand on his shoulder and rubbed small circles on it. His relationship with Iwa had definitely changed in the last month, although neither of them really talked about the things they said. Instead they just stuck by each other's side more.

He went over their plan for the match in his head. Oikawa was allowed to play on the court again, but he had to be very, very careful about it. He was going to start off the match by serving, and after that he'd go back to the bench until he needed to go in as a pinch server. But if all went well and he was feeling up to it, Oikawa might be able to go in as a setter eventually.

"I believe in you. All of us do. So make us proud, Captain." Iwa winked at Oikawa before walking away.

A fee minutes later, Oikawa went to shake hands with the captain of the rival team.


"Hello, Daichi! It's been awhile." Oikawa glanced at the rest of the opposing team. "I can already tell you've all improved quite a bit since our practice match."

Daichi smiled. "We have. And we don't plan on losing so easily today. So, how's your leg doing?"

"Well as you can see the crutches are gone." Oikawa turned around, waving goodbye to Daichi. "Oh, and I'll be playing today. So tell your teammates to be on their guard."


Many people gasped when Oikawa walked onto the court. Captain or not, people hadn't expected a boy with such a large leg brace to play, much less start off the match.

"Serve us a good one Oikawa!"

"Oh you know it," Oikawa muttered. He tossed the ball in the air, watching it carefully. He couldn't jump to power his serves, so he'd had to work on hitting the ball a lot harder. And oh, how that practice payed off.

Seijoh got the first three points, two of which were aces from Oikawa. Even without the jump his server is still powerful, much to Karasuno's annoyance.

Karasuno scored their first point, and Oikawa got swapped out.

"You did good," the coach praised. He patted Oikawa's shoulder. "You think you'll want to set today?"

"Yeah. But not yet."


Oikawa took a deep breath and studied the ball above his head. His whole team had pushed themselves past their limits today, and now they were at set point. And if they won this set, they won the match.


It was the last point, so of course Oikawa would set to his best friend. The rally had been going on for four minutes, and everyone was exhausted, but...

Oikawa pulled Iwa into a hug as the ball landed on Karasuno's side of the court and everyone on Seijoh cheered.

"Congrats, captain. You're first game back on the court, and you got us one step closer to beating Ushiwaka- one step closer to nationals."

"Please, I barely did anything. It was all of you that were amazing."

Iwa held Oikawa's face in his hands and smiled. "I'm inclined to disagree."

A second later, Oikawa pulled Iwa closer to him and pressed their lips together. It was a quick kiss, but it left the captain with a bright red face.

Oikawa frowned when his friend didn't say anything. "Iwa...?"

Smiling, Iwa whispered in Oikawa's ear. "When there's less people around, I think we should do that again."


"What? Scared to do it again, Trashykawa?"

"Oh shut up." Oikawa nodded to the rest of the team. "Alright, let's thank everyone for coming."

Hanamaki and Matsukawa smirked at him. Oh, they saw.

"Of course, captain."

Rolling his eyes, Oikawa lined up with the rest of his team and thanked everyone who had come to support them for the match. He smiled when he made eye contact with Iwa. For the first time in months, things were starting to feel okay again.

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