If The Skies Get Rough

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Iwa stepped into Oikawa's bedroom and frowned. "Oikawa?"

"Iwa! You're like... Two hours early-"

"I wanted to see if yo were up for some coffee before the movie. Are you okay? I can tell you were crying."

Oikawa motioned for Iwa to sit nex to him on the bed, so he did. Iwa brushed the hair out of Oikawa's face and raised a brow.

"My doctor said I should try taking my leg brace off to see how it feels. So I did."

Iwa glanced at Oikawa's leg. He hadn't even noticed that the brace wasn't there.

"I'm assuming it didn't go well."

"I tried to stand up, started crying, and sat back down." With a sigh, Oikawa grabbed the brace and started to put it back on. "I know they said it would take awhile to heal, but this is like torture."

"I think you're being a bit dramatic."

Scooting closer to Oikawa, Iwa wrapped an arm around his friend. "I know it sucks, but I'm sure you'll be able to walk without it soon."

"I hope so." Oikawa layed his head on Iwa's shoulder. "Hey Iwa?"


"What are we? Like, I know we've kissed, and we cuddle and stuff, but... Are we dating?"

"Do you want to date?"

"If you do."

"Well then yes, we are dating. I actually kinda thought we were already."

Oikawa laughed quietly. "I was thinking that too, but we never actually talked about it sooo."

"Yeah, yeah." Iwa played with Oikawa's hair and smiled softly. He'd found himself doing that more and more often if his friend- his boyfriend, now- was around. "You think you can stand up now?"

"I mean my leg still hurts, but it probably will for awhile so yeah. And coffee is a good motivator." Oikawa slowly stood up, and Iwa steadier him before he could fall.

"Careful," he murmured. He pulled Oikawa closer and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "So does this count as our first official date then?"

Oikawa smiled. "I think it does."


Oikawa flinched when a hand touched his face.

"Hey, hey. It's me."

"Iwa?" Oikawa opened his eyes, blinked sleepily, and sat up. "What're you doing here?"

"Your parents called mine. They said you were having a nightmare, and they couldn't get you to wake up. Are you okay?"

Oikawa reached up to turn on his lamp. He looked at his clock and sighed. "It's one in the morning. You didn't have to come here just because I was having an unpleasant dream."

"You didn't answer my question. And you have a fever. Again. If you get sick again I will kick your ass you know."

"You are such a kind boyfriend, Iwa." Oikawa ran his hands through his hair. "Don't worry about it. You know that new medicine I started taking yesterday?"


"My doctors said it might make me a bit sick until my body got used to it. So I'm not actually sick, I just feel like crap."

Iwa sighed and raised a brow. "Alright. But how bad was your dream that your parents were so worried they asked me to come over?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."


Iwa held Oikawa's face in his hands and kissed him. "Don't do that. You promised me you wouldn't bottle up your feelings anymore."

"I know, but..."


"You promised me that you would stop blaming yourself."

"Ah. So that's what it was about?"

Oikawa nodded. He hadn't wanted to tell him because he knew his boyfriend would get all upset and feel like it was his fault.

"Wanna watch a movie?"


"Well I'm awake now, and not going to be able to fall back asleep for awhile. And it's too late for you to be driving home."

"Alright then. But I'm picking the movie."

"And I'm making hot chocolate."

Oikawa started to get up, but Iwa kissed him again, this time on his forehead. "Wait. Are you sure that you're alright?"

"I am. Because you're here."

"Ugh. You're so cheesy."

Laughing, Oikawa raised a brow. "Says the one that came to my house in the middle of the night because I was having a bad dream."

"Shut up."

Oikawa smiled at Iwa. "Come help me make the hot chocolate and then you can pick a movie. Sound good?"

"Sounds great."

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