Chapter 2: The arrival to Theleria

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As me and David arrived at the hangar, I positioned myself in front of the hundred Marines under my command, standing there, with bolter in hands, I put one knee on the floor, took my heml off and rest my arm on the other knee, as Sobotor stages himself in front of me.

- Captain Enzor Cralius, you were chosen to be in charge of the surface's defenses of Ruskaria, you shall partner with the 3rd Company of our brothers from the Hammers of truth Chapter as they cleanse it off the darkness by your side, your name was called to have this honour, are you gonna heed to it?

- Yes, my liege.

Right after that I feel the metal right arm hitting my face, I stand my ground, do not attack, rather just stay kneeling.

- Let that be the last un-warned strike you recieve.

- Yes, my liege.

Sobotor proceeded to unfold his sword and put it on my shoulders and head as a way to bless me.

- By the power I bare by the sword of the XIIIth and as a brother of the reclusiam, I Maximus "the Reaper" Sobotor place upon you Enzor Cralius, Captain of the Vth Company, Son of Guilliman, I bless you to guide your company, for you're to be the flame that lights the path and for your warth to be what's burns it away, let your wrath know no limit, let your blade be the last thing the enemy witnesses before their demise. Brother, Ruskaria calls you, will you walk?

- Yes, my liege.

- Then stand up Brother and let your company see the glory of battle with you at the head. For not only the battle awaits but the trials of the hero are to be yours to surpass, this shall grant you the name that the future of our chapter shall refer to you.

I turn myself around, unleash my sword and hold it over my head.

- Vth Company.

My brothers replied by putting their arms in order.

- March! For our wrath shall be the enemy's demise!

I start walking as my company starts moving behind me, bolters loaded, Rhinos ready, land raiders armed, Thunderhawks, the roar of their engines ready, dreadnoughts walking along side, flamer with thirst for burning, and swords ready to slash and cut flesh apart, both Guardsmen and Astartes, rallying on the same ship, we loaded in and took off to the planet beneath us. The brothers of my squadron were Daniel Archeas, Alexander Ordan, Pablo Corscheas and Carlo Raseron, the marines that were assigned as my personal guard, as well as the rest of marines there, but these were... different, of course I always had David at my side, we Astartes, normally meet during our trials to become part of the chapter, and then never see our brother scouts as we get assigned to reserve companies, but David, our story starts from our very own birth, born in the same year, but different months, both our families were close friends, we were together in any occasion, even when we signed up, I've always cared for him, had the fear he wouldn't be capable of becoming an Astartes due to his back condition, but he's always capable of impressing me, huh, who would've thought that we would stand at each other's side for over three hundred years.

- Captain, we shall be arriving in 15 minutes. said the pilot through the Vox of the ship.

- Understood Brother, tell the Colonel to meet me with the rest of his command crew at the Landing zone.

- As you wish, Captain.

- So.

- So what?. Said I to the Lieutenant.

- Are you going to brief us about our purpose here?

- Yes, we haven't been informed yet. Said brother Daniel with a subtle signal of impantients.

- Have patience Brother. Said David. - The Captain shall enlighten us soon.

David always had the word to reply to others, but only in times where he saw fitting, he has always been a more reserved person than me.

- Listen carefully brothers for I will only say it once, our mission is to protect the world, standing vigilant on the hive city of Theleria for that is the 1st target the greenskins shall attack, with us shall be the 125th Brimlock Dragoons regiment, our purpose there is to be the protecting force on the surface while the rest of our brothers fight in outer space, aside from us the 3rd Company of the Hammers shall serve us as Astartes reinforcements, their Captain Thormund Hernandus will speak to me once we get to the surface of the planet.

- I've heard that they lost their homeworld to an unknown Astartes warband that infiltrated them and killed their old chapter master. said Alexander

- Whomever they were, they would have to do better if they want to take us down.

- Do not suppose things Brother, you may have faced traitor Astartes before, but these might be very different from the ones whose lives you have claimed along the years.

- Brother Corscheas.

- Yes my lord.

- I trust I shall be leaving my banner in good hands, your hands.

- Understood Captain.

- Captain, arrival to Theleria in 3 minutes.

- Copy that. We walk for Cyberia!

- And we know no fear!

Said all my brothers at the same time.

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