Chapter 3: The meeting

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The thunderhawk landed and the first thing we see is a whole battalion of Guardsmen present, awaiting for us to step out, in front of them a man was standing, that man being Colonel Varl doing the equila with his hands.

- Greetings Captain. Said the man.

- Are you Varl?

- Yes my lord, Colonel Alexander Varl of the 125th Dragoon regiment and overall commander of the Imperial Guard Force defending the planet.

- We are the knights of the Cyberium Crusaders.

- I am Enzor Cralius, captain of the Vth "Shadow Paladins" battle Company and with me is Lieutenant David Muriel.

David bows as a sign of respect.

- You called upon us for aid, and we answered, Colonel, as we shall answer with the lives of over two hundred Astartes.

As I said that, the thunderhawks of Both Cyberium Crusaders and Hammers of Truth descended to the Surface, landing and deploying it's forces, the man couldn't believe it, practically 50% of this planet's defenses would be composed of Astartes, 2 chapters collaborating with each other is a rare scene unless we're talking about the deathwatch.

after all that I was in the Command room, finally seeing the faces that I was going to command.

- So, may you please introduce these people to me. I said with my arms crossed.

- Of course Captain.

- First, Major Santiago Irijam, XO of the 125th, Sarah Deiques, Adjutant Quintus to General Baelor, Commissar Carlo Entarus of my command staff who I assume you've met back in your flack ship.

- Why yes I did.

- And Commander Mordekai Exellon of the 327th naval wing.

- A pleasure to meet all of you.

- The pleasure is all our Captain. Said the Adjutant.

- I think you've forgotten someone, yes?

I turn my head to be encountered by the other Captain Astartes sent by the Hammers of Truth.

- Captain Thormund Hernandus of the IIIrd "Eagles of Salvation" battle Company of the hammers of truth.

He said as he entered the room, taking his helm off and bowing to the rest of us with a smile on his face, a scene hard to forget.

- Captain Cralius, a honor to serve alongside you in this battle.

- I...Could say the same Captain Hernandus.

He raises his hand, with the intention of me to shake hands with him, this was something altho normal amongst us Astartes, felt weird due to the so optimistic personality he brought with him.

- Where is the planet's governor?

- Lord Elquitran is busy, he wasn't able to come so in his place will be personal assistant, Monica Ikela.

- Greetings Lord Cralius.

The woman was not a human, but a abhuman, a felinid wearing a dress and a necklace with a gem pending off it, I was disgusted by said scene but Captain Thormund seemed very chilled, this made me anger, in my years of fighting, I've got to learn to trust just my instincts, to hate the heretic, the alien and the mutant, what would the emperor think if he witnessed such abominations walking through the streets of holy terra like if they part of us? Dear throne. the woman if I can even call that thing a woman as I heard was the personal servant of the planetary governor, so in other words, she was his vox mail.

- What could your master be doing to avoid a meeting related to the protection of your planet? I asked the mutant.

- He has been monitoring the supply arrivals in the last weeks since he heard of the greenskin attack.

- Could you inform him to have a dialogue with me when he has the time.

- Sir, I am just his-

- You are his closest servant, have privileges that normal serfs do not I assume, so you may obey his bidding, but you shall also manifest my will, for I am in charge of this entire planet defenses and forces, if I wanted, I could order both guard, Astartes and titanic forces of the Legio Defensor forces stationed on this planet to ignore his orders and to hunt him down, this is my word, and my word is an order. Do you understand now?

The Mutant changed her tone, showing her fear towards my presence and what I just told her, what I just told to everyone in the room.

- As you wish, my lord.

- Now go and tell your master, I have stuff to discuss with the rest of the actual command here.

After that, I proceeded to sit, listening to the rest of the people in the room arguing about munitions, guard numbers, Astartes equipment, civilian counts, disease rate, percentage of casualties per city, water reserve, energy and... Throne even thinking about it makes me wanna shoot myself with a bolt gun, I don't know how Lord Gulliman could do this during the days of the crusade and the heresy, now I understand why I had to practice this when I was not on the battlefield in my days on the Ultramarines and sometimes when I was on the deathwatch, but we weren't expecting that tomorrow, the skies would burn. 

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