Act 3: The fall of ruskaria / Chapter 1: The governor

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As I've already stated, the conflict lasted 3 months, 40 days after the first battle and our first victory, I was in my Thunderhawk, on the way to finally meet the planet's Governor for the first time, his excuse for a serf, known as the felinid Monica was there as well, as she was assigned to be with me at anytime, and I thought this couldn't get worse, now I have a dog sniffing on my arse at a daily basis.

So, your master has finally decided to talk with me face to face, instead of sending you in his place.

Beg your pardon Captain? but I'm not gonna tolerate such disrespect like tha-

Neither you are to be addressed, you're nothing but a pet, doing his owner's will as any animal should do for a reward. You're barely above servitors and your kin is one of the many reasons why humanity fell into the darkness of deception and lies, thinking they could solve their issues by praying to the Emperor, or as you call it the God-Emperor. Nowadays, it is hard for me to spot the difference between a chaos cultist and an average imperial citizen.

But what does my kin has to do with humanity's "downfall" when the son of the God Emperor was the one to betray hi-

Captain, we have arrived.

very well, you and I shall have this conversation later. For now stay shut as I speak to your master in private.

The door opens, it was midnight, and we were received by more of the governors personal guard, all of them being either being human, they all bowed to welcome me and Ms. Ikela

Welcome to lord Vladimir Elquitran IVth's temple. Please accept this gift as a proof of our gratitude. Said the mutant in the center.

As the one at his right side raised his arms, carrying a knife, I was... surprised, altho I do not care for presents, I don't mind them, but when it came to the defense of the planet, the audience was the only thing I cared about.

I proceeded to enter his mansion, the place was entirely on marmol, with the corners, decorated with luxurious and expensive furniture and art like golden and so, typical things for a governor to possess.

Another of the servants approached to inform me that the governor would speak with me in a few moments.

I've been waiting for this meeting for nearly a week now. My patience is not limitless.

We understand that sir but please we request just 10 more minutes and Lord Vladimir shall be right with you.

Where is he right now?

He's current on his quarters, changing after having dinner with his family-

Has time for his family but not for his people!

My lord, please there is no need for you to rush it like that.

And there is no need for you to step in my way, but if you do, I will not hesitate to paint these floors of red with the blood dropped by my sword.

Please, let us all put our anger down. After all, everyone in this room is under one banner.

I turn my head to see the governor himself, the man seemed in his late 40's, his psychical appearance shown that he has already been in a battle due to him having a prosthetic eye and a scar on his mouth and neck, I would say he was trained by a Valhallan guardsmen.

Welcome Captain Cralius, I am Vladimir Elquitran, lord of ruskaria. First and foremost I apologies for my absence during the meeting in the command center, and the so long wait for this conversation,the last few days have been... weird to say the least

I accept your apologise, and please accept mine for my impantaients towards you.

Of course Captain, now may you please follow me to my office, you have stuff to say to me as I have stuff to say to you.

Very well governor.

We both went upstairs, entering his office, now this place was different from the rest, this was just a more simple room, painted with gray on the walls, a wooden floor, and shelfs where he displayed both medals and trophies.

Please, take a seat.

He said as he opened a bottle of whisky and served it on 2 glasses, putting one in front of me.

I am aware that Astartes don't drink liquor and can't get drunk thanks to their anatomy, so I won't get mad if you refuse to drink it.

I appreciate the offering, but we both know the point of all of this.

Yes, now Monica has kept me updated about the current conflict with the ork xeno breed that has been terrorizing my planet and people.

Correct, our first victory was in the outskirts of Theleria.

I congratulate you for that, and I've heard that thanks to that, it is difficult for the aliens to gain terrain. But, I'm also having my own wars.

What do you mean by this? I said.

I've been getting reports from the sector X41 west.

And what's with that sector?

It was meant to be a munitions storage facility there.

Meant to be?

Said facility was destroyed by a genestealer outbreak we had 20 years ago, and now the reports says that said facility is reconstructed and operating, I asked all the officers near that sector if none of them received notice nor were shown authorization.

There must be something going on in that facility, send a force to investigate what is the situation with it.

I shall send my most trusted soldiers.

So be it.

I take my helmet off, take the glass of whisky and cheer with the man, we both drank.

In the landing platform the Thunderhawk was about to take off, as I entered it, I realized that the felinid in perpetual silence. Altho her existence annoyed me, I couldn't deny that I have been ruthless. The concept of an Astartes believing himself to be more divine than a human is something even I embraced, but I've learned to not let my ego mark my path.

Monica. that's your name right?

Yes Captain.

I want you to be my voice when I'm absent from the city. May I count on you with this... favor?

Ye... yes of course my lord, I shall gratefully accept this and I shall keep you informed on everything in your absence.

Very well. 

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