Chapter 5: The Charge

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Me and Hernandus go down the stairs to the entrance of the walls, watching both Cyberium Crusaders and Hammers of Truth, mounting on their vehicles, serfs charging their weapons, and my squad awaiting for me on their attack bikes, with mine at the very front, I mount on and turn it on, telling the Guardsman to open the door.

We shall cover you from the air. Said Captain Thormund on the Vox channel as he enters his thunderhawk.

May the Emperor protect you, Captain. Said the Commissar who was there as well.

I could say the same Commissar.

The Giant metallic gates opened, lighting up the entire room of sunlight, I have always thought that before someone always fights the enemies, when he's in front of me, the moments where the fight is engaged, the moment an Astartes shows it's true nature.

CHAAAARGE! Muriel Yelled.

The only word I say as I accelerate my bike like and the rest of my forces follow me. In the exact moment I saw the Ork breed closer, I shot the bolters of my bike, unleashing my sword and swinging it against the enemy, cutting heads and running over the xenos breed, I remember watching Captain Hernandus jumping off his Thunderhawk and landing on a ork dropship, taking the enemy down wit his Bolter and Thunderclaw, even burning one of them alive with his jump pack, hah, reminds me of Smokeus when I heard his story about his mission against the Ta'u on the Iulleron system. The feeling of my blade, tearing apart flesh and my bolters blowing the alien's head off, this is what drive the orks to fight, they see war as a way to live and the way to honor their piggish gods, the fight lasted for the next 3 months, the last ork, the actual warboss himself was still standing, I raised my hand to the air, and all forces under my command stopped, the alien seemed to be full of energy, I made a signal, ordering my forces to lower all their weapons, and go burn the rest of the ork bodies or bare witness of my power, I get off my bike and walk towards the warboss, and welp, surprisingly enough, we established a dialogue before tearing ourselves apart.

You forces are shattered, alien, surrender and I shall grant you a merciful death. I said as I pointed my sword at him while walking around, him making the same, just walking in a circle.


Then let's see if you can break me. I stop and make a combat pose, and the Ork just putting all of himself in front, displaying his axe and hammer on each of his arms.

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! said the alien as we charge at each other.

I sprint towards the alien, with my sword ready and rapidly approaching, block his hammer, putting it on the ground, breaking it with my foot and punching him on the face making it step back, the beast proceeds to use his axe, orks just know to charge like an animal so his attacks were not comprehensible, all I could do was stepping back and blocking his blade and fist, but we both knew this fight couldn't last long so I go to where my brothers were, recover my pose, and then my sword wakes up, lighting up in a blue light and shooting small lightings out of it, the ork sprints towards me and so I do, but this time, a meter before we make contact, I stop, the speed I was going made me slide like if I was fighting on ice , the ork trying to use this opportunity, launches his hands to head, but I responded faster, confusing the ork by first putting my sword over my head, but changing mid swing to a horizontal strike, slashin part of his arm off and going through the waist, after the hit I reposition myself, turning around and swinging my sword through his neck, cutting the beast's head, Exskol Claima as he called himself, stood in front without moving, his hand drops the axe as his torso detaches from his legs, both of them violently falling to the ground, then, silence took reign again, the scene was concluded with an ork warboss cutted in half, laying dead in the ground, and victory being mine. 

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