Stress and S.P.E.W.

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"Why good afternoon Madame Pince." Ian grinned, leaning oh so leisurely on the desk of the infamous librarian. He aimed his extra spectacular smile at her, all pearl whites on display.

"Yes, Mr. Neilson?" Madame Pince raised her rimless specs to look at him.

"Well I have this project,"

"Already?" Madame Pince echoed because it was only the first week.

"Um, yes, you know Professor Snape. So eager to torture- I mean teach us." He corrected, grinning extra wide when the tiniest bit of a smile seemed to make an appearance on her lips. "Well I'm hopelessly..." Ian began to explain in the widest circle he could, a fake project he was making up as he went, that would thoroughly confuse the librarian, while he made a gesture with his other hand behind his back to tell his best mate to go now!

"There are these beans,"


Cedric hid a laugh with the sleeve of his robe when he strode past the front desk to find his girlfriend's favorite study spot. Between two rows of bookshelves, was a single desk and sure enough his girlfriend was sitting on the desk, her bag neatly by the leg of her chair, two large tomes opened before her while she was scribbling furiously on a parchment.

Not being able to help himself, he swooped down to hug her shoulders. He grinned when he felt her go rigid, good she had her defenses up, that was his girl.

"It's me," He whispered in her ear, before kissing the top part of said ear.

"Cedric!" Hermione practically squeaked, a blush spreading over her cheeks.

"You can't skip meals." Cedric dropped his bag beside hers, leaning on her desk.

"Is it..." Hermione looked up, not even having to finish her sentence while Cedric nodded, knowing her question. Hermione just sighed. "Sorry lost track of time."

Cedric softly took her hand. "I know, so being the wonderful caring boyfriend I am, I brought my girlfriend lunch, risking Madame Pince's wrath to do so." Cedric winked while he uncovered the mashed potatoes and chicken breast he had sneaked out of the dining hall, untensils and all.

Hermione's eyes widened as her jaw dropped. "Cedric!" She protested. "We can't eat in the library!"

"There are no such rules," Cedric flourished.

"Page 387 of Hogwarts a History-"

"Written anywhere in this library saying such, and if so, the boys and I have been breaking them since our third year. What's one more year?" Only to falter barely even a second and correct himself, adding a cheeky smile at the end.

"Uh huh," Hermione shook her head. "And I thought Ron was bad, but at least he's never eaten in the library."

Cedric just laughed lightly once more. "Just think of it as a picnic in the library." He prodded her. "I went through all this work," He pouted at her.

"Merlin," Hermione closed her eyes. "Okay fine, my stomach was rumbling a bit earlier anyway. But I want a real picnic, at the lake."

An ear to ear grin appeared on Cedric's face. "That I look forward to,"

As Hermione forked some mashed potatoes, she looked up at her much too wonderful boyfriend with a small smile. "Tell me about your day so far?" She asked softly.

"Love to, Cedric said, accioing a chair for himself, leaning on her desk to watch her eat.

For the next ten minutes, while Cedric relayed his day, including telling Hermione about how his friends tricked him, only to then be asked to explain what exactly happened back in second year. In which he explained about how he and his friends had started to use their room as a practice room to teach themselves the proper spells for defense against the dark arts, using the book and Cedric's own knowledge from what he'd learned and what his parents had taught him since he was young, always teaching him spells because so many of their family had been killed in the First Wizarding war that they just wanted him to be able to not be defenseless.

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