Ch. 12

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A/N: Missed y'all and this story...

Current Timeline: September 2018 

(again emphasizing timeline is not completely accurate to real life,  hopefully I don't confuse you guys too much!)

Chapter 12

"If you're gonna stare any longer, might as well take a picture." Jeonghan said, pushing himself off the pole he was leaning against.

Shit, was I staring for a while??

"If you're lucky, maybe I'll sign it for you too." He said, smirking.

"What? No, thanks." I said looking at him, with distaste in my voice.

"Hyung stop teasing her, she's our friend." Dokyeom whined, nudging Jeonghan's shoulder.

He shrugged his shoulders, raising his hands in defence. "What, I just thought she was a fan from how she was staring."

"Hey, get over yourself! I wasn't even staring at you!" I was starting to get angry.

Jeonghan looked left and right, pretending to be confused. "I'm sorry, do you see anything else in the direction you were staring in? I just see one handsome" He said pointing to himself.

Is this guy serious? Is he really arrogant enough to think that every girl that looks at him is a fan? Although I've been in this industry for less than a year, I've had my fair share of arrogant people. And unfortunately for him, I'm not the same pushover I was when I first joined Bighit.

I faked a laugh, clasping my hands together. "Omo, I'm so sorry! Tell me again what your name was?"

His smirk slightly faltered.

I continued, "I mean, as a fan of Seventeen, I can't believe I don't know who you are! It might mean you should work harder, right?"

Taehyung coughed, trying to hide his laugh while Dokyeom, Vernon, and Mingyu looked amused.

As for Jeonghan, I wish I could capture the way his smug smile instantly dropped from his face. Now I was the one smirking.

Mingyu finally laughed and put his arm around Jeonghan. "Wow, hyung, I'm glad you came out with us today. Such a humbling experience, and you have to give us all 20 bucks." Jeonghan gave him a look that quickly shut him up before reaching into his pocket and reluctantly handing out money to both Dokyeom, Mingyu, and Vernon who were now cackling.

"Wait what? Why is he giving you guys money?" I asked, now confused.

Vernon laughed and came over to me with a raised fist. I hesitantly returned his fist bump as he started explaining what was going on. "Basically we were telling Jonghan hyung about how you don't take anyone's shit, and he made a bet. If he could successfully offend you, then we would have to pay him $20 each. But if he didn't, we would get the money."

Mingyu too came over and patted my back while continuing to snicker at Jeonghan, "Thanks noona, I knew I could count on you!"

Now I've heard about the pranks Seventeen likes to play on each other first hand from Vernon and Taehyung who hang out with them a lot. However, this is my first time experiencing it and being the butt of the joke. But I did feel flattered that these three fools had faith in my no-bullshit personality that I've adapted since working at Bighit.

I slapped Vernon and Mingyu's shoulders and they yelped, rubbing their shoulders in pain. "Yah, as flattered as I am that you guys think so highly of me, I mean it when I don't take any bull shit. That goes for you fools too."

Dokyeom and Tae were now laughing even harder, and this finally got a chuckle out of me as well.

Jeonghan, however, still looked a little offended as he walked up to me offering a slight bow as an apology. "Sorry again for acting that way, I hope you didn't take any offence to our prank."

Just as I was about to wave off his apology and say it was fine he began talking again.

"However, they said you were a producer? I don't think I've heard any of your music...maybe that means you should work harder as well." He said, pulling his lips into that annoying smirk again.

This time Mingyu and Dokyeom looked surprised. Wow, so this is how he's gonna play.

This was no longer a prank, Jeonghan actually seemed pretty offended by my comment on not knowing who he was. Now I could take many hits to my appearance and personality and still be unfazed. However, by coming for my career he crossed a line. People told me over and over again that I was talented, and if anything the fat check I got a couple weeks ago for how well the songs I produced on Love Yourself: Tear were doing, should have reassured me. But no matter how "successful" I was, I always hear the voice of that monster in the back of my head.

Your music is shit, wake up from your fantasy. You'll never be good enough. You're so fucking pathetic.

"I don't care who you are, but I'm not gonna let you say shit about my career. I've heard enough of that in my life, and unsurprisingly it always comes from an asshole with a fragile ego. " I say fiercely. Taehyung came and put a hand on my shoulder, while Vernon looked worried. Them and Adora are the only ones I've bared my past and insecurities too, so the two of them must have known exactly how I was feeling.

For a minute he continued to look unfazed by what I had just said, but then to everyone's and especially my surprise, he began laughing. And I mean bending over, slapping his knee, straight up hysterical. If I wasn't so confused and pissed off, I would have admitted that his laugh was almost pleasant to the ear.

Jeonghan, finally finished with his comical fit, was wiping tears from his eyes. "Wahh, I haven't laughed like that in a long time. Look at her face! She's so easy to piss off!" He then turned to Mingyu, holding his hand out. " Yah, give me my $20 back."

Mingyu, similar to the rest of us, were looking at him like he had just grown two heads. This man could seriously not take any social cues.

Dokyeom sighed and handed the money back to Jeonghan. "Guys, I literally told you he would find some way to cheat. He literally waited until we thought it was all over!" He whined.

"Wah, you're actually fucking crazy." I said to Jeonghan, shaking my head in disbelief. I then turned to Vernon, Dokyeom, and Mingyu. "I'm sorry guys, but I don't think I can do dinner today. I forgot about some important work that's due tonight." I felt bad because they could all clearly see that I was lying. But I don't think I could have sat through an entire dinner in this state. Especially not with the thoughts and memories I had blocked out that were currently resurfacing. However, thank god for Vernon who seemed to understand the situation.

"Iseul, are you sure? Is everything okay?" Vernon asked switching to English, making the conversation slightly more private.

I gave him the most convincing smile I could. "Seriously, don't worry. I'll pay next time to make up for it. You guys enjoy your meal." Dokyeom and Mingyu looked like they wanted to say something, but unlike Jeonghan they could take social cues and sadly waved goodbye. I waved back and quickly turned around, walking back towards the Bighit building. It wasn't until I reached the safety of my studio, did I finally let the tears fall. 

Sing For Me // BTS Producer FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें